Mar 08, 2016 02:14
So I go to a therapist and a medical doctor for depression. They're right across from each other and share my information back and forth. It's actually a pretty nice system. Today was an appointment with the doctor. We're changing my medication. I had been off an anti-depressant for awhile, but we're going back on a new one. I tried Celexa previously. It was horrid. I stared at walls and basically drooled on myself. Not fun. This new one is supposed to give additional energy, which I'm excited about! I want to feel productive again! Whoot!
We also upped my anxiety meds. I'm trying not to see this as a setback. It's not. It's really not. I'm sticking with Buspar, but we're moving from 10mgs 2xs a day to 15mg 2 times a day. You can take up to 60mg of Buspar, so I'm quite far from the maximum dosage.
I also have a xanax for emergencies, but it's only .25mgs. So small, which is good because the last thing I want is to become dependent.
The doctor wound up ordering some of my art off of me. She commissioned a piece, which was really awesome! If only that piece paid for the meds, but alas it doesn't. The new anti depressants are going to cost 70 a month out of pocket. (It would be more than twice that without insurance) but still, how ridiculous. I'm so blessed that I CAN afford that, because I wonder if I couldn't. What would I do?
American Health care really does need reformed. The drug companies are out of control.