Title: Identity
Series: First in "Total Recall"
Prompt (Co-authored table): 33. Home (table #2)
ca_pierson and
kimberlyfdrFandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: pre-slash McKay/Sheppard
Rating: Gen
Word count: 7.674
Warnings: none
Genre: AU
Disclaimer: Stargate Atlantis doesn’t belong to us, neither do the characters. This is a work of fannish love and we aren’t making any money from it.
Author Notes: This is an Alternate Universe in which Carson never died. Therefore he's still around when Sam takes over in Atlantis.
Cassandra’s Author Notes: I loved writing this story and I think I might have run away with it at one point. But then, Mel didn’t seem to mind too much, thankfully. Also, if you can point out the Doctor Who quote I slipped in you’ll get a virtual chocolate chip cookie!
Melinda’s Author Notes: At first I thought we shouldn’t do this, exactly because I knew Cass was totally taken with the idea and she would run away with it, far and fast. But then I thought ‘oh, wtf, why not?’ and just went with the flow. Turns out this was (and still is since we’re writing on the next part already) a lot of fun.
Summary: Getting electrocuted by a sculpture was the least of John’s problems. The burns would heal again quickly. The whole thing with getting someone else's memories? Now, that was the actual catastrophe. It was just what he needed.
Some days John wasn’t sure if it was actually worth getting out of bed.)