(no subject)

May 28, 2004 16:15

The Friday Five,

1. What is your favorite childhood memory? hmm.. probably graduating kinder.
2. If you could be reincarnated as anything besides human, who would you want to be? a pony
3. If you had to start your life all over, what are three things you would change? My image at school, my procrastination, and i would not sit so close to the t.v. so i wouldnt need glasses.
4. If you had to forget everything in your life, except one thing, what would it be? good question! hrm.. uhh.. i dont know.
5. Do you have a lucky charm? nah

A is for age: 13
B is for boyfriend: n/a
C is for career: student
D is for dad's name: norm
E is for essential item to bring to a party: a phone
F is for favorite song at the moment: sic transit gloria
G is for good movie you recently saw: TROY
H is for hometown: northridge
I is for instruments you play: piano, flute, keyboard :D, guitar
J is for jewel that you like: diamond
K is for kids: yes please.
L is for living arrangements: 2 parents. share room with brother
M is for mom's name : teda
N is for number of people you've slept with: z-e-r-o
O is for overnight hospital stays: three-five
P is for phobia[s]: bugophobia
Q is for quote you like: 'dont think about somebody from the past, becasue theres a reason they are not in your future'
R is for right, what's on your right: the wall
S is for sexual position: ewwwww
T is for time you wake up: whenever the alarm clock goes off
U is for unique trait(s): my SIGNATURE LAUGH. ;D
V is for vegetable you love: watermelon
W is for worst habit: tapping feet and fingers.
X is for x-rays you've had: none
Y is for yummy food you make: eggs and rice and cereal
Z is for zodiac sign: leo
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