TITLE: Chaos In Your Soul
CHARACTERS/PAIRING: Hex; one-sided Bob/Hex and mentions of Bob/Dot
31_days "to give birth to a dancing star" |
fanfic100 035. Sixth Sense
SUMMARY: Saving the entire Net in the process was simply a perk.
WARNINGS: Spoilers for 4.04 "Sacrifice"
NOTES: B'awww I love Hex. ;_;
DISCLAIMER: If I owned ReBoot, I would turn it back over to Gavin Blair so that he could produce more brilliance. Unfortunately, ReBoot remains in the hands of Rainmaker.
"But you will survive."
It was in that moment that her decision was final. He had saved her, once. Now was her chance to return the favor. Saving the entire Net in the process was simply a perk.
He had never loved her the way she loved him. She knew that. He had cared for her, in his own way, but it wasn’t the same. But there was someone he did love, and she wanted that happiness for him.
The Queen of Chaos laughed as she stepped through the portal, as she fragmented herself for the one who had made her whole. She was everywhere at once, all of her senses firing at full speed until they were almost indistinguishable from each other. So this was what it was like to infect. Maybe she understood her brother a little better now. But the more her infection spread and took hold, her awareness dimmed. It was strange, as if someone was slowly turning her consciousness down.
She would miss Bob. She would miss Lost Angles and the sprites she called hers and the chaos that had given her life meaning. But she had no regrets.
For you, Bob? Anything.
Thank you.