"Oceans of Desolation" - KH (II), Demyx/Naminè

Aug 22, 2006 18:36

Fandom: Kingdom Hearts (II)
Title: "Oceans of Desolation"
Characters: Demyx/Naminè
Challenge: ((52)) Leaving for kingdom100 (Prompts Table)
Words: 237
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, so please don't sue.
Spoilers: Safety!Puck says: possibly, maybe, if you squint a little (end of CoM/very early in KH II) .

Notes: The POV and tenses in this piece had me banging my head while I was writing it, but I'm really pleased with how it turned out.

X-posted to kingdom100 and kh_het

It didn’t take me very long to dash up the stairs to Naminè’s tower, which is great. I'm worried that if I wait too long I’ll chicken out, and I can’t let that happen- I’ll hate myself if I do. So speed's definitely important here, even though I have no idea how to go up to Naminè and say, “Hey there. I know we’re not supposed to have feelings or anything. But I was thinking, and I’m pretty sure we do. And I’m in love with you.”

But that’s probably exactly what’ll come out- it’s not like stressing out enough will make the right words pop into my head. That only works with music, and I am not gonna sing my feelings to her.

Well, I’d like to, but I know she wouldn’t appreciate it if I did. I’d tried singing about her once before, but she’d wrinkled her nose and told me to stick to the other Nobodies, instead.

Barely winded, I picked up speed by flowing along the even ground towards her door. It stood shimmering before me, not-quite-open but not-exactly-shut. Guessing that it was as good of a time as any, I flung the portal open-

--and stumbled into her twilight room, letting the words “Hey there” fall to the floor.

Xemnas watched me enter, sitting in Naminè’s usual chair. I can tell by his expression that I'm not going to like what I'm about to hear.

demyx, kingdom100, kingdom hearts

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