Flashlights and Uniforms

Apr 05, 2006 18:19

Title: Flashlights and Uniforms
Author: Writingpuck
Fandom: Fruits Basket/Furuba
Pairing: Hatori/Shigure
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Don’t Own Them, I Just Like to Play with Them…

Authors Note: I love this pairing, and the trio in general.

"Ah! Ha'ri, HELP!" cried a voice on the other end of the phone. It was a voice that Sohma Hatori immediately recognized as that of his cousin, Sohma Shigure.

He sighed, his good eye rolling in exasperation. "Shigure, what-"

The phone had clicked off then, the beeping a clear sign that Shigure had hung up. Whatever it was that he was dealing with, Hatori wouldn't be able to find out unless he stopped by. Which, the doctor figured, was all some part of Shigure's plan.

Another sigh escaped his lips. Sohma Hatori was full of them. Sighs, that was.

The doctor's workroom was fairly clean, despite his desk being clogged with papers. Hatori strode forward and glanced at them, pushing the documents to and fro in an effort to find his daily planner. It was at the bottom of the pile and was strangely empty for the day: no appointments.

Hatori wasn't sure if he was pleased or not. After all, no appointments meant that he had every reason in the world to go see Shigure, and only one (Akito-san, who he never really wanted to see) not to.

Ebony locks shook in the wind, but despite his hesitance Hatori put on his shoes to go visit his cousin and friend.


Momiji had insisted on coming with him, saying something about how he just had to tell Tohru all about this great story he was reading. Hatori wasn't so sure that Tohru-chan would care, but then again, the girl was always full of surprises.

The younger blonde had bounded ahead to knock on the doorway, with Hatori following a few yards behind. He was trying to survey the damage ahead of time.

It wasn't often that Shigure called him out of the blue, and even less often that he would ask for help like this. The panicked tone he had did the opposite of spurring Hatori to Shigure's side. In fact, it cautioned him against it. Shigure was rarely truly panicked, so if he was pretending like this, he had to have an ulterior motive. Perhaps he was using him to duck his editor? It wouldn't be the first time.

Tohru-chan had answered the door, talking excitedly to Momiji. She looked up when Ha'ri entered, however, addressing him with the usual amount of bubbly respect. "Hatori-san! I didn't know you were coming over today!" She smiled up at him as he ducked in, peering around the corner to where Shigure's study was and taking off his shoes. It was just as he'd thought. If Tohru-chan didn't know he was coming it couldn't really be that big of an emergency.

He debated whether to leave then and there, but, seeing as how he'd already taken off his shoes, he simply nodded his greetings over at Tohru-chan.

"Is Shigure in his study?" Hatori figured he was.

She nodded, but before she could say much more Momiji was upon her, bubbling and chatting away. Hatori spared the rabbit juunishi a glance, and a smile that he doubted Momiji would ever see. It was quite clear to Hatori that Momiji was in love with Tohru-chan. It was, perhaps, a shame, since Kyo loved her also. Hatori wondered just how many members of the zodiac the girl had as loyal fans, and was ashamed to say that while he was not romantically attached to her, the doctor quite understand the other's infatuation. She was a sweet girl.


The novelist was sitting at a chair, in front of his computer screen. Hatori stepped in and raised an eyebrow. "You needed me?"

Shigure spun around, a look of delight on his face. "Ah- Ha-san, so glad you could come!" He stood up quickly, taking off his glasses and ignoring whatever part of the novel it was he was working on.

Hatori stiffened. He'd known Shigure since before the Mabudachi Trio, since they were barely knee-high to the elders. Because of it, he'd long learned how to smell a trap when he saw one. "Why?" he deadpanned.

"Oh, always so cold!" Shigure complained, placing an arm on Hatori's and faking hurt. "What have I done to make you so distrustful"

Hatori's answers were swift and numerous. "There was the time you made me dress up in drag, or the time I had to pull an egg-shell out of your ear---"

Shigure, in his best interests, cut Ha'ri off. "But this time I really need your help. It's for the latest novel I'm writing!"

The doctor wasn't sure that reason was much better. After all, Shigure was not above writing stomach-turning horror, or pornographic smut (equally stomach turning, in Hatori's opinion). "And if I don't?"

It wasn't that Hatori was really considering not helping so much as that Hatori enjoying paying Shirgure's back for any and all undue stress. Besides, it would keep the details of this particular novel a secret for that much longer. The last time Hatori had helped it was to discuss how far up someone's rectum a flashlight could technically go before something broke.

The dog juunishi through up his hands in dismay. "Then Sakura-chan will never know the depths of true love with a doctor!"

Raising an eyebrow for a moment, Hatori sighed. "Fine."

"GREAT! I knew you’d help, Ha'ri!" Shigure all but squealed, as he hurried back into his writer's chair in front of his desk.

Taking a moment, Hatori decided that Shigure's unmade futon was as good a place as any to sit, and the dragon juunishi practically fell down. "What do you need to know?"

Shigure had his glasses covering his face once again, and became a complete professional. Turning around, he nodded his head before speaking. "How high are regulation nurse's skirts?"

Hatori was up and heading for the door in an instant. Laughing, Shigure got up after him and tugged him back towards the futon. "I kid, I kid."

The doctor turned to glower at him, causing the dog juunishi to baulk for only a second before adding, "But really, Ha-san, how long?"

Hatori turned to leave again, but Shigure laughed and tugged him back. Realizing it was pointless, Hatori murmured "no smaller than an inch above the knee" with resigned exasperation. If he left now it was fuel for Shigure to tease him, even though the same went if he stayed. No matter what Hatori did anymore he was doomed, so he might as well hurry up and get it over with.


Shigure finished typing his third chapter with remarkable speed. The author glanced down towards the doctor, who was now laying on the futon with one of Shigure's numerous books open. It had been quite some time since Shigure had needed his help on the novel: so long ago, in fact, that an hour might have passed without a word.

"All done!" Shigure called joyfully, ridding himself of the glasses and easing out of his chair. He hovered briefly over the doctor.

Hatori looked up. "This really is awful." He indicated the book he was reading, one of Shigure's own publications.

"You just don't like that the main characters end up forgetting each other as they get older," Shigure teased, lowering himself beside the other man.

"No, that's not-"

For the second time that night, Shigure had silenced the other man. This time it was with Shigure's lips themselves that smothered every inch of fight out of the pale doctor.

He removed himself from the other man just long enough to whisper, "now, Ha-san, for my thank-you present," before shoving the doctor down into the folds of silk.

Hatori nodded his farewell to Tohru-chan, Momiji at his side. She was such a kind girl, after all, and polite enough to never ask about the frantic rustling sound from Shigure's office. Yes, he was definantly one of her fans, and Shigure's, as well.

Remember: Reading and Reviewing should be closer together than Hatori and Shigure!


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