humans shed like snake skins

Nov 16, 2005 12:50

our exo-skeletons are our pasts and we shed them repeatedly we can travel in one direction but only for so long before change surrounds us our surroundings have changed and we've shed our skin to emerge evolve anew think back the days how many times have you already changed through years of uncertainty not knowing you you've searched and strived looked for not just a way but your way through in elementary we all on level ground learned the ways of our society but in middle school we broke chains rules and away from each other the way children do learning who to become associated with for social as well as educational prosperity we were shunned by those that disagreed we did not fit their mold we shed our ways our likes dislikes changed we grew we learned we evolved and hardly are we the same we were yesterday this occurs uncountable times too numerous to count in the four years high school provided we left friends for new ones cheated to pass the classes skipped or didn't got caught without hall passes laughed off our asses made fun of our surroundings and either made waves or held our breath until the swelling tide went out again but how ever we did it we all lived it and not one of us didn't change didn't learn something new of ourselves of each other of the world we thought we knew we shed our skin time after time and moved up to be at the bottom again either in the work force of the world or continuing our education in college now officially adults the collective we have quite a bit more figured out than we did years ago the problem lies in the security that we have it all figured out it's a hard trap to get out of but easy to fall into security is an elusive thing i say never feel secure in anything and you'll be ready for everything we get hurt when something around us changes we weren't ready to have change yet and what we learn of ourselves is the letting go of old dead things it's a process one can't visibly see you see it is an intangible thing and though the blows are harder than before it's because way back when in elementary we knew we knew nothing and now we think we know a lot so when the unfortunate or the surprising unexpected happens we feel crushed depressed without direction we can't feel that way just shed the past and get on with your new day and do it day after day i know its hard to accomodate that i may be asking seemingly a lot but i've done it i stand here to say that my past is not filled with sugarplum gum drops and funny little stories though there are some i have had my tribulations fought my battles and swallowed my pride from time to time but to feel as if it is the end of days remember this quote i found today "don't worry, everything will be okay in the end and if it's not then it's not the end."
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