Rise and Shine

Apr 02, 2009 22:22

Title: Rise and Shine
Pairing: Yoochun/Junsu
Rating: G
Summary: Yoochun, on alarm clocks.
Author's Notes: For the 'clocks' challenge at dbsk_flashfic.

Yoochun and his alarm clock are not the best of friends. Actually, that's quite an understatement - he's lost track of the number he's broken by knocking them off the nightstand in annoyance at their insistence on trying to wake him up. Eventually, their managers figure out that Yoochun just cannot manage to get himself up on time; after a while it becomes Junsu's responsibility to get him running on schedule.

The thing Yoochun never confesses, though, is that he can wake up if he really has to. He just much prefers the sound of Junsu's laughter to any alarm.

c: junsu, c: yoochun, p: yoochun/junsu, f: dbsk

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