Title: Of Fashion Sense and Trend-setters
Pairing: OT5 gen
Rating: G
Summary: "Who's got the best fashion sense in the group?" the interviewer asks.
Author's Notes: For the 'fashion' challenge at
"Who's got the best fashion sense in the group?" the interviewer asks, looking from Yoochun's pants, one leg rolled up his calf, to Jaejoong's violently gold bag, glittery enough for a small chandelier, to Yunho's shapeless, colourless, hat-type object.
Everyone points at themselves.
"Jaejoong's got, like. Anti-fashion sense," Yoochun says, grinning. "That's what he means."
"Hey, who are you to talk, Mr. 'I'm a trend-setter'," Jaejoong retorts, swatting at him.
"Trend of looking like a dumbass," Junsu adds helpfully. The whole thing disintegrates into childish squabbling in under thirty seconds, and Changmin laughs so hard he nearly falls off his chair.