008: Drabble: Sleep

Feb 01, 2009 15:05

Title: 99% Sure
Prompt: Sleep
Word Count: 263
Characters: Nick/Miley
Rating: G
Summary: Naive QT 13 year old Nick and his take on the beginning of Niley.

And this really doesn't have a lot to do with the prompt, and it took a totally different direction than I was planning, but I decided to post anyways :)

Nicholas Jonas was in love, he was 99% sure. His brothers told him he was a little young for that and his dad did a snort-laugh thing when he ran it by him, but Nick loved her, no doubt about it.

And okay, he had only met her two days ago, but he already couldn’t eat (unless it was chicken parm of course) or sleep (well at least not the normal ten hours.)

He was pretty sure she had a thing for him too. There was that time when Mom made him check his omnipod during rehearsal and his shirt was off in front of everyone and he caught her staring. And then, a few hours ago, she waved to him at lunch…at least he thinks she did (he did a half-wave half-head scratch just to be safe.) Yeah, she was definitely into him.

Nicholas Jonas was not one to waste time. He didn’t believe in naps, got his first Broadway show out of the way at age four, and the fact that he had only known her two days did not phase him.

He sealed the deal that night after the show, when he was hanging out on her bus, watching Laguna Beach. Lo and LC were getting a manicure when he whispered: “Be my girlfriend, Miles,” in her ear. He wasn’t sure if she was laughing at Lo’s stinkface or him when she giggled, but her answer was yes.

He scooted a little closer to her, because that’s what boyfriends do, and decided that they’d probably be married in a month.

comment if you like :) and new story + more of You and Me coming soon! Yay having time! :)

nick, drabbles

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