Another Interview

Mar 06, 2007 22:33

I wanted to give Ahiru a chance to interview me, too. Here's her questions.

(EDIT: Added Lilith's and Danny's questions as well)


1.) Where did you learn to use a sword? You're already so good at ballet, how did you find time to learn how to fight too?

Well, part of it is that Charon (my adoptive father, for those of you who don't know) is a smith, so he knew some basics. And he certainly knows things about proper care for a sword. So as a child he taught me a few things (never imagining that I would ever need to actually use the skill).
When I got older, he didn't want to teach I figured out ways to continue my training. Books, mostly. Whenever a swordmaster came to town I'd bug him to fence with me so I could learn from him. And I'd practice when I could. It got easier to practice once I took Mytho to the Academy.

As for finding time to practice ballet and my swords fighting, the two actually work together well. Both focus a lot on balance, and fencing is as much footwork as it is using the it was easy to practice on both. I just practiced my fencing in my free time.

It's possible that me being the reincarnation of the Knight from the story might have helped me naturally have the talent for it as well...but I'm not sure about that.

2.) Is there anything that I shouldn't know in the story you've written so far? Because I want to read your story, but you said I should be careful..

Hm...I just checked it, and the story itself is OK. Try not to read the comments in the entries, though...they asked me some questions that...if you knew the answer to them...well, you're not supposed to know them right now.

3.) Why were you swimming when you came to Paixao, anyways?

I was writing by the lake when...something...called to me. I don't know how else to put was almost like a dream. I dropped my notebook, walked to the edge of the dock and just...dove in.
I kept swimming and swimming...until I thought I was going to run out of air...and then, all of the sudden, I swam up to a beach. After that I climbed onto the shore and walked a few miles, and...there was the town.

4.) Do you like being a knight or a writer more?
Hm...I like being able to protect people I care about, but...I'm really no good as a knight. I'm...I'm a bit of a coward. Writing comes more naturally to me. And, to be honest...I don't really like killing people, either. Crows, I can do, but...when it comes to fighting actual people...

I'll use a sword if I have to, but I really prefer writing much more. I've always loved words and books even if I denied it for a time...

5.) If we were to hypothetically go out and maybe look for some dark chocolate truffles, just out of curiositiy, what would be a good day? Your name day, birthday, or a holiday..?

Oh, um....maybe my birthday. It's the 23rd of April.
But don't waste time on trifles, idiot.

Lilith's questions:
1. Are you a morning person?
...No. Not at all. I'm actually rather grumpy in the morning.

2. What's the worst nightmare you remember having?
............What sort of question is that to ask?
In the dream, I'm riding on a horse and drawing my sword. The Prince is up ahead, his sword is already drawn. He turns and shouts something to me--I can't remember for sure what it was. It's dark. Night, maybe. appears. A monsterous black bird, its wingspan the length of several buildings, and taller than the highest tower of the castle. It opens its mouth and screeches...his mouth almost seems like a void. His red eyes burn like fire.
The Prince reaches him first. He calls a challenge to the Raven, raising his sword. The Raven flies down to strike him...the Prince manages to dodge the worst of the blow, but the Raven's claws tear into his arm. He screams in pain.
I pull my horse up in front of him, trying to shield him. I yell for the Prince to run, to allow me to protect him.
"I won't leave you!" he yells.
"Don't be an idiot!" I yell back, "You can't hope to defeat him with your sword arm wounded!"
The Raven dives again. I raise my sword to attack him, but I miss. The monster knocks me off my horse, and the horse is startled and bolts.
That catches the Raven's attention. The horse doesn't live for much longer.
I'm fighting on my feet now. I again tell the Prince to run, and he hesitates, but again refuses to leave me. The Raven prepares to attack the Prince, but I, holding my sword in front of me, scream at the Raven to come towards me instead. I insult him, calling him a coward. Anything to get him to come at me instead of the Prince.
It works. The Raven comes for me instead. I try to brace myself for the attack, gritting my teeth, going through my training in my head. I swing my sword to hit the Raven again. I miss once again.
He doesn't.
His claws reach out and tear into my chest, shoulder to stomach. The's...unbearable. Red...blood, it must be blood. My blood.
That's when I wake up. ...I've...had that dream since I can vivid as a memory. I'm not sure if it's...the worst dream...but it's one of the worst.

3. Favorite type of food? Although part of it is I like to fish in general...and it's sort of fun, eating something you've caught.

4. Do you ever plan on selling your stories?
Huh. I haven't really thought about it...I suppose that'd be a nice way to make a living. Maybe I'll try someday.

5. Have you ever killed anybody?

Danny's questions:
1. What's your name?
...Well, your questions are easier than Lilth's.
I'm Fakir.

2. Where are you from?
I'm from Kinkan Town. It's a nice little community, most of the residents don't cause trouble with one another. It recently went through a lot of changes, but it's as 'charming' as ever. We've got a boarding school for children interested in the arts, and the town has a proud history of having a great many talented artists, dancers, actors and writers from the city.

3. How long have you been here?
Too long. It feels like it's been forever, but it's probably only been a week or two...

4. Muffins or cupcakes?
Eh...I'm not really a big fan of either. Muffins, I suppose.

5. Favorite type of music?
Hmm...I like Beethoven's work the best. I like anything with a strong string section in it, though. Particularly if I can feel the emotions or figure out the story the composer was trying to convey.

((OOC: Just so everyone knows, I made up Fakir's birthday--I don't think he has an official one. I decided that April 23rd would work well for two reasons:
1) It's St. George's Day, and he's the patron saint of Knights (among other things)
2) It's the day Shakespeare was born and died (yep, he died on his birthday)
The connection of having it be significant to both knights and writers was too good to pass up. ^^; ))

ballet, death, ahiru, music, writing, nightmares, swordsmanship, fencing, game, food, home, the knight

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