fic- "In Another Life: Beginnings" Stargate Part 7

Mar 12, 2008 21:32

Title: In Another Life: Beginnings
Author: CJ aka WritinginCT
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairing: Jack/Daniel, Jack/Daniel/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: AU, Slavery, Slash, Threesome, disturbing imagery, non-con
Categories: AU, Hurt/Comfort, Drama, Romance
Feedback: Love it? Hate it?
Disclaimer: I don’t own the recognizable characters I’m just inspired by them. Hopefully they’ve had fun playing in my sandbox.
Summary: In a world where you are either military or a slave to the military, Jack O'Neill hates slavery and yet winds up with two. And though he gives them his protection, they steal his heart in return.


A/N: his is an AU fic I've had in my head for a while. I actually wrote the middle of this epic a while back and I just started the beginning to tie it all together. First part of fic is Jack/Daniel and does contain some Daniel/OMC offscreen non-con/abuse. Later chapters will be Jack/Daniel/OFC as they take in another abused slave.
It's a weird AU and I'm trying not to make these early chapters an information dump.


A/N: Graphic non-con scene in this section.
Thanks to my awesome beta

When they returned home their lives fell back into the familiar pattern it had been before they were pledged. There had been heartfelt congratulations from those closest to them. Only Kawalsky hung back, his guilt over what happened to Daniel eating him up inside. Daniel and Jack both suspected what his withdrawal was caused from but didn't really know how to fix it.

Daniel finally found himself alone with Kawalsky one morning in the locker room and bit the bullet to say plainly, “It wasn't your fault you know.”

He heard Kawalsky slam his locker shut behind him and step closer to Daniel, “Like hell it wasn't. I promised Jack I would look out for you, and look what the hell happened.”

Daniel turned to face him and said gently, “It could have just as easily happened if Jack had been on base. Arlis was stalking me, waiting for an opportunity. The only person to blame is Arlis.”

“When I got out of my briefing and saw you lying there, I thought... “

“Well, he didn't.”

“I would have killed him with my bare hands if he had, Daniel. You're family, and nobody hurts family and gets away with it.”

“Thanks, Charlie. That means a lot.”

Kawalsky stuck his hands in his pockets and for some reason was studying his boots. Without looking up he said, “So, pledged concubine huh?”

Daniel didn't know why Kawalsky was having what seemed to be a hard time about the fact that he and Jack were now pledged. He had known Charlie as long as he had known Jack. The two men were similar in personality and had similar senses of humor. Outside of SG-1 there was no one on base that Daniel trusted more and Daniel valued his friendship highly. He had been supportive when Jack had claimed Daniel and Daniel didn't understand his reticence now. He answered lightly, “Yeah. Sorta came as a big surprise.”

Charlie looked up and said, “Big surprise, for everybody.” Just for a moment Daniel saw something flash across Kawalsky's face, a look of loss, of longing. And it was directed at Daniel. And suddenly everything clicked in Daniel's mind, he never suspected that anyone else might be harboring an attraction or feelings for him, he just didn't consider himself all that desirable.

As he held Charlie's eyes, Daniel could tell that Charlie knew that he caught it, that he understood, and he said softly, “I'm sorry, Charlie. I didn't know.”

Kawalsky swallowed hard, then forced himself to be lighthearted, “Yeah, well. I knew eventually Jack would get his head out of his ass. If it had been anyone but him I wouldn't have hesitated you know.”

Daniel nodded, “I know.”

Kawalsky smiled and clapped Daniel on the shoulder, “He better treat you right, cause I'm still one of the few people on base that can kick his ass.”

Daniel allowed a little chuckle at that thought to escape but wanted to reassure Charlie, “I don't think that's really going to be a problem, but I will keep that thought in mind.”

He only hesitated for a moment before pulling Daniel into a bear hug and whispered, “Be happy, Daniel, you deserve it.” And as abruptly as he had initiated the hug he broke it and without giving Daniel the opportunity to respond, he left the locker room.


Weeks melted into months quickly as the pace of SGC got more and more hectic in its battle with the Goa'uld. Jack and Daniel were both so busy most of the time they didn't know which end was up. But they were happy. Things with Kawalsky had gotten back to their normal wise cracking ways and Daniel was glad, he had been half afraid that the situation was going to be uncomfortable.

Not everyone on base was happy. Down in the motor pool Arlis existed solely to make slaves' lives hell. He never overtly abused anyone, the Slave Oversight Officers were keeping too close an eye on him for that. But he could be as rude and crude as he wanted to be, and he was. And as often as he could without arousing suspicion he would travel to a house hidden deep in Denver that catered to men like him.

The owner of the house was a slimy piece of work that didn't deserve the title of officer, much less the rank of Colonel. He found and kept runaway and off the grid slaves. Imprisoned in locked rooms in the house, these slaves were prostituted out to be used and abused at will without oversight and without hope of escape.

Occasionally certified virgin slaves found their way into the house and an auction would be run, selling that virginity to the highest bidder. Arlis had bought one young female slave's virginity. Barely nineteen and terrified, he had taken great pleasure in backhanding her when she tried to resist. He tore off the flimsy negligee that she had been presented to him in, and brutally forced himself into her body. As he pumped in and out of her he screamed at her to keep her eyes open, she had Daniel's eyes, and that was what he had paid for, he wanted to see those eyes as he came.

And as the weeks and months went by he sated his lust and rage on any number of slaves, male and female, that had those eyes. He was obsessed, and bordering on madness.


Almost a year and a half after Jack and Daniel had pledged, Jack and Hammond were called to Washington. Jack took Daniel with them, knowing Daniel was dying to visit the Smithsonian and some other other museums.

So while Jack and Hammond were stuck in meetings, Daniel took in the sights, enjoying himself beyond expectation. It was on the third night as he and Jack lay plastered together, panting and sweaty and trying to calm their rapid heart rates from the incredible quickie Jack initiated before dinner, that Jack shared the news.

“Hammond's getting promoted.” Jack's hand was stroking Daniel's thigh.

“Another star?”

“Yeah. And he's not the only one getting them.”

Daniel quickly tried to flip flop around to face Jack, “You're getting promoted to General?”

“Yeah. He's going to be coming to Washington, I'm taking over his command.”

Daniel was speechless. He knew that the promotion was something that Jack had wanted for a very long time. It was also a means for them to move forward with their plans to have a family, they had decided to wait until their schedules left them on Earth more often than off world. But it also signaled an end to Jack going through the gate. A lot of changes were going to be coming in a short period of time. They had talked about this scenario before, and made some decisions about what they both wanted, and what they were going to do when the time came.

And although Daniel knew that Jack welcomed the promotion and was more than capable of handling the responsibility, that occasionally Jack need a little encouragement, a little nod that he was doing the right thing, although he would never ask for it in words.

It explained the frantic way that he had had gotten them both naked almost immediately upon entering their hotel room, and the needy way that he had taken Daniel. Jack never just took from Daniel, he was a gentle and considerate lover, but today's news made him feel out of control, and floundering. He had needed something real to ground him again, and needed to just be concerned about himself, just for a little while. And though he was careful not to hurt Daniel, because he would never hurt Daniel, their coupling had been about Jack's pleasure, about Jack's need to feel like he was in control. The hard and fast pace was unusual in their bed, and Daniel found himself just giving in to it and when Jack's orgasm hit and he pressed Daniel flat into the bed so Jack could dig his toes in for more traction, Daniel's own powerful release hit him as his erection was ground between his stomach and the bed.

And now that Jack had told him what brought it all on, he reached over and cupped Jack's cheek, “There's no one better for the job, Jack. And you know I'll be right beside you.”

Jack reached out and pulled Daniel close, tucking Daniel's head in the crook of his neck and didn't say a word, just lay there and absorbed the love and support that Daniel offered.


The transition went smoothly, mainly because Jack liked the way Hammond had run things and wasn't quick to make changes. Daniel found himself on SG-1 with Teal'c and newly promoted Lieutenant Colonels Kawalsky and Carter. It wasn't quite the same team dynamic as with Jack, but they worked well together.

Daniel also found himself in the unique position of being the pledged concubine of a General. He hadn't really thought about how that would change his life. But it did, and it wasn't just the new gold star that had been soldered to his pledge cuff. Slaves and officers alike deferred to him. Invitations to social events arrived at the house addressed to them both, and the pledged concubines of other high ranking officers started inviting him to things solo. He had never been in the limelight quite so much socially and it intimidated him a bit.

He also found that he himself had some new responsibilities. As the pledged concubine of the highest ranking officer it was up to him to go with Jack and notify the families of those men they lost in combat, and in the days following, help the families cope. It was also his responsibility to be aware of retirements and births and such, and to procure appropriate gifts and cards of congratulations. They were also expected to entertain at their home, something that neither of them really minded doing, except for the fact that although Daniel was a better cook than Jack, neither were really up for preparing formal dinners. Daniel solved that by finding out that one of the slaves that worked in the kitchen had attended chef school and they arranged to have him come and cook for them on the nights that they entertained. The responsibilities were fairly domestic in nature, but it just wasn't something that he had ever been exposed to, and he found himself muddling his way through and not letting on to Jack that he was struggling. Jack had enough on his plate without adding Daniel's domestic shortcomings.


Arlis had of course heard the news, the entire base had heard the news. It fanned his obsession just a little more, knowing just how far out of his reach Daniel now was. And the first time he had been manning the little booth where motor pool cars were signed out and he saw the General and Daniel pull in and park in the “Reserved for Brig. General J. O'Neill” spot, his vision went red and the blood pounded in his ears. In his minds eye he could see himself bending Daniel over that car and fucking him as they faced that damned sign.

That weekend he went to Denver and spent two days breaking in a newly acquired virgin slave. About thirty, the slave had a similar look to Daniel, and of course the blue eyes. But these eyes weren't quite right, not quite the same as Daniel's and it irked Arlis. The slave's eyes also held some defiance and anger, Arlis was to be his first breaching and his first “customer” and the slave was not happy with being told to submit to Arlis.

The backhand was a personal favorite of Arlis' and he knew just how much force to put behind it. When the first blow hit the slave it knocked him to the floor where Arlis quickly grabbed him by the hair with one hand as he unzipped his pants with the other. Then leaning down into the slave's face he said in a low, deadly voice, “In this house I can kill you and no one will care. Now you are going to suck my cock and get it nice and hard or I will slit your throat and find a slave that will. Do you understand?”

The slave could see the insanity in the eyes glaring at him and capitulated with a jerky nod. Seeing the nod Arlis' mouth curled into an evil grin and he said, “Good. One other thing, while I'm here you answer to Daniel. Do you understand me, Daniel?”

At the slave's second jerky nod Arlis let go of his hair and stood up with his hands on his hips, “Good. Now, Daniel, suck my cock.”

And haltingly the slave did just that, until Arlis pulled himself away and ordered him to strip. Fear and panic started building even further in the slave as Arlis himself stripped and stood there with his erection protruding. The rooms and beds in the house had all been specially made with strong hooks and loops for shackles and cuffs and Arlis attached a set to the middle of the headboard and ordered the slave as he pointed to the bed, “Get on your back, Daniel.”

Terrified, the slave couldn't move and it was another backhand that finally got him to move. Arlis efficiently had his arms in the shackles in no time and after shoving a wedge shaped pillow under the slave's ass to give him access, he then pulled out another pair of long restraints. These hooked into two separate eyebolts in the ceiling and were attached around the slaves knees. After Arlis had them adjusted the slave couldn't kick, and couldn't close his legs. Arlis liked this particular setup, it allowed him to see their eyes and it allowed him full use of his hands while he was fucking.

He stood there a moment by the side of the bed, enjoying the view and he leaned down close to the slave's ear, “Now, Daniel, I'm going to fuck you. And it's going to hurt. Now you have a choice, you can beg me right now to use lube, or I'll fuck you dry. It's up to you. Beg pretty if you want the lube, Daniel.”

And beg the slave did, he knew this was going to hurt, and hurt badly regardless, he just couldn't imagine what kind of damage would be done if the madman didn't use lube.

Arlis brought a couple of items over to the bed with him and settled himself on his knees between the slave's hanging legs. He stretched out, half lying on the slave with his leaking hard cock nestled on top of the slave's flaccid one, to pinch a nipple causing the slave to cry out in pain. Arlis chuckled, “Here are the rules, Daniel, pay attention. You are to keep your eyes open. I want to see your eyes at all times. And I want to hear you as I take that cherry ass of yours. You can scream if you want to no one will care.”

The tears started leaking from the slave's eyes, the man was truly insane. But he knew that he was speaking the truth about no one caring, the slave had heard others screaming and crying in the house. The click as the flip top of the lube opened startled him, and he realized that Arlis had leaned back on his heels and was slicking up his cock. He watched Arlis' every move in terror, watched as he closed the tube, watched as he wiped his hand on the sheet, and watched oddly enough as Arlis picked up the other item he had dropped on the bed, a remote control. Arlis pressed play and a grainy security video started playing on the television in the corner. The slave looked quickly to see that it was Arlis getting a blowjob from some guy that looked a lot like himself. Arlis had managed to get a copy of the footage of every single minute he had spent with the real Daniel and spliced them altogether in a tape that would keep looping. His own personal porn. Little did the slave know that everything in the room they were in was also being taped for Arlis' amusement.

Arlis watched that first bit on the tape, and the slave watched in horror as Arlis' erection seemed to grow even larger as he watched the tape. When Arlis had watched himself come all over the real Daniel's face on the tape he was ready. His balls were tingling with the anticipation of a good fucking.

He knelt up and positioned himself and as the slave's tense body fought to keep him out he pressed forward even harder and the second he felt himself sliding in, he growled out, “Oh, Daniel, I'm gonna fuck you so hard.” And he did. He was no sooner all the way in when he pulled all the way out and did it again. The slave was crying and begging him to go slower because it hurt so badly but he didn't care. When he bottomed out the second time he realized that the slave had his eyes closed, against the rules. His hands found the slave's nipples and pinched hard, eliciting a yelp of pain, “Open your fucking eyes, Daniel. What did I tell you?”

Reluctantly the slave did and Arlis started to really pound into his ass, enjoying the heat and the squeeze. The slave was crying and whimpering but remembering to keep his eyes open. Arlis' eyes went to the television for a moment to see the image of him humping Daniel's bare ass. Without moving his eyes, or pausing his thrusting, he reached down and squeezed the slave's balls roughly causing him to cry out loudly in surprise and pain. And with that sound filling the room and the sight of himself coming all over Daniel's ass in the video, Arlis could feel his balls retracting and he came with a roar, and he pushed in as hard and as far as he could as he tried to find traction to get in even farther.

He collapsed on top of the slave to catch his breath, the slave could feel his cock shrinking inside him and the hot come oozing out of his sore ass. When Arlis finally got off of him he tormented the slave, “Just think, Daniel, we've got two whole days together. That just took the edge off.”

The slave was numb, he just couldn't imagine another minute with this sadist, let alone another two days.

By the end of the weekend the slave had been well and thoroughly broken in to Arlis' standards. He made a decision and bought the slave outright from the Colonel. He brought him home and locked him in a special little soundproof room in the basement that he had built with the hopes of having Daniel visit. No one would ever know he was there and Arlis could fuck him at his leisure, and maybe someday make him watch as he fucked the real Daniel.



Additional chapters of In Another Life

cat:slave!fic, pairing:jack_o'neill/daniel_jackson/fema, fandom:stargate_sg-1, cat:hurt/comfort, multipart fic:in another life - beginnin, pairing:jack_o'neill/daniel_jackson, char:daniel_jackson, char:jack_o'neill

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