fic- "Unexpected Family" (NCIS, rated G, het) - sequel to "Unexpected Happiness"

Sep 22, 2015 17:15

Title: Unexpected Family
Author: CJ aka WritinginCT
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Tony DiNozzo/Melanie Burke
Rating: G
Warnings: Mentions of off-screen child abuse (non-sexual)
Categories: Family, drama, romance
Disclaimer: I don't own the recognizable characters I'm just inspired by them.
Note: Sequel to Unexpected Happiness

Summary: Tony had thought he had used up all his unexpected surprises on his daughter four years ago, but fate decided to spring a few more on him.

Status: Complete 09/20/15 12k words

Note: I started writing this long before we actually met Tony's father onscreen. I know that Senior's business type in my fic doesn't exactly match canon but I decided to leave it alone as it's only briefly mentioned here. What is a funny coincidence is that I had used the name Karen as Senior's latest wife in the story, which turned out to be canon. The only adjustment to make this fit the onscreen DiNozzo canon I made was to incorporate Senior's use of “Junior” in place of Tony when he talks to his son. Also, I really fell in love with the interaction between Tony and Lt. Commander Burke in Engaged (pts I & II) and decided to bring her into this storyline as a love interest for single-father Tony. -CJ


Unexpected Family (on AO3)

genre:het, char:melanie_burke, cat:family, series:unexpected, cat:drabble, status:complete-part of series, pairing:tony_dinozzo/melanie_burke, fandom:ncis, char:tony_dinozzo, cat:romance, cat:episode-related

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