Nov 29, 2010 18:51
I just spent the day getting myself squared away to go to college starting with the January term. I felt VERY FREAKIN' OLD walking around that thar campus. But I'm psyched. I'm taking a full course load (5 classes/15 credits) and my stomach hurts at the cost of not only tuition but textbooks - what is UP with that?
And do the college bookstores think people are stupid? They want to charge me $65 for one USED paperback manual when I can buy the same damn book on Amazon for $45 NEW. In fact I priced it all out - I'm able to get all my required textbooks online for about half of what it would cost me going through the bookstore, and that's buying all new books (I'm sort of anal about that).
So I be a student. o.O I don't know whether to be excited or terrified!