the story of jimmy's trench coat

Nov 30, 2010 17:09

Author: miscellanium
Characters: Jimmy, Claire (Amelia)
Rating: G
Word Count: 222
Notes: Originally written Oct 28

Every birthday he got a few presents, but there was always one that Amelia and Claire went all out on. 2008 was looking like a good year for the Novaks-Jimmy had been promoted to head of his division, they finally paid off their mortgage, and Claire was already excited about the middle school they’d found for her. But when August rolled around and it was time to rotate out the summer stuff in the hall closet, Jimmy couldn’t find the coat he’d brought with him from U of C all those years ago, that cheap goose-down one he’d bought from the campus store after finding out just how cold Illinois winters could get.

By the time his birthday came up (his 34th, but who’s counting?) he’d stopped remembering to search for it-and a good thing too, as it turned out, because that one special present? A brand new trench coat from a store Jimmy would never have dreamed of affording, and Claire still looked way too proud of herself so he unfolded the coat, looked inside, and there it was: his name stitched onto the right breast pocket with shiny red thread, each crooked capital letter full of angles. She’d probably ruined the lining but that didn’t matter, how could it matter? He loved her.

A month later, Castiel came.

character: jimmy novak, character: novaks, fandom: supernatural

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