Title: Owned [Evil!Sammy Universe]
eboniorchidFandom: Supernatural
Characters: Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester
Prompt: 012. Broken. For
100moods, challenge table
here. As well as: 047. Writer's Choice. For
50kinkyways, challenge table
Word Count: 1085 words exactly.
Rating: NC-17 for language, sexuality, and violence.
Warnings/Spoilers: Angst! Dark! Future
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Dean's believable defiance...the sexual pleasure-pain manipulation (also very believable as a mechanism of controlling Dean, from what we know of him. Sam does know his slave well)...Sam forcing control on him, forcing the words out of him, again and again and again... (...and then they slow danced, hee! *ahem* Sorry, needed a tension breaker.)
This is so claustrophobic and intense and visceral. It's almost like the opposite of Letters to me, in terms of style (not surprising, perhaps, since it also seems very stylistically similar to Bury the Hunter): short timeframe, upcloserightthere in Dean's mind, with his frustration and pain spelled out implicitly and explicitly, and we're right there with him, our hearts being squeezed along with his.
I don't know if you've ever seen the movie or play Closetland? (Now that could really have used some warning tags. Jeezus. I thought I was renting an action flick.) It has a very similar tone: claustrophobically close, intense psychological and physical torture, that you just want to get away from - but you can't. It's a powerful style that worked extremely well for the material, and you've used a similar style to amazing, amazing effect. So. Fucking. Well. Done.
*feels wrung out*
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