Title: Fucked [Evil!Sammy Universe]
eboniorchidFandom: Supernatural
Characters: Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester
Prompt: "053-Indifferent" for
100moods, challenge table
here. "009-Ice" for
50kinkyways, challenge table
Word Count: ~8,500 words.
Rating: NC-17 for violence, sexuality, and language.
Warnings/Spoilers: Self-injury! Angst! Hurt/comfort (seriously!).
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Yay for you enjoying the soundtrack. I get on these kicks with my writing, particularly this 'verse, where everything shifts to a new band. I started, I think, with some Metallica, then A Perfect Circle, then Disturbed, then Blackfire, and now Trapt. If you have recs in the rock genre - like classic, hard, metal, or "eerie". I would totally be up for checking them out. (I mean, I've had entire stories and worlds spring to life in my brain from new music - like this kind of urban AU/original fic I've been writing because I really wanted a thuggish Dean-like character who was into hardcore indie rap.)
As usual, your commentary is always much appreciated. I have no idea when the next update will be available, but I am definitely working on itand it'll probably be a doozie! ;-)
P.S. If only all stalkers were as cool as you! The world would be a better place! XD
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