Fanfic - SPN: Shower Slick (Sam/Dean)

Nov 30, 2006 17:44

Title: Shower Slick
Author: eboniorchid
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester
Prompt: phantisma's sexy shower!Sam icon and her need for comment!porn.
Word Count: 143 words exactly.
Rating: NC-17 for language and sexuality.
Warnings/Spoilers: No spoilers. Slash. Wincest. Smut. PWP. Graphic m/m sex. Comment!fic.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Really. Nothing.
Summary: Random shower!smut.
Author's Notes: Not much here, but don’t worry. I have LOTS of other hot/dark/angsty/random fics nearing the finish line. So, stay tuned!

It was ridiculously hot in the shower, so hot that Sam was almost positive that the wet on his skin was more sweat than water from the spray of the showerhead. But he didn't care one fucking bit.

Dean's mouth was on his dick.

Dean's lips were sliding up and down Sam's shaft as his head bobbed. He loved the feel of Dean's tongue rippling over the underside of his cock and the tight of Dean's throat slipping over his dickhead.

Then Dean pulled back a bit, tongue curling around the head of his cock, fist wrapping around the base. He let his other hand wander down, caressing Sam's sac, before his slick fingers slipped further back to press against Sam's entrance.

And Sam moaned into the steamy air as his brother fucked him with his fingers and he fucked his brother's mouth.

challenge: mini_nanowrimo, genre: wincest!fic, genre: pwp!fic, character: dean winchester, fandom: supernatural, character: sam winchester, genre: comment!fic, pairing: sam/dean, challenge: nanowrimo, fic universe: spn pseudo-canon, category: slash, !fanfic, rating: nc-17, genre: smut!fic

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