Doctor Who - Two Time Lords, a Human Girl, and Plastic Part (3/3)

Aug 02, 2012 13:55

Title:  Two Time Lords, One Human Girl, and Plastic Part 3
Author:  jedimasterstar
Fandom(s):  Doctor Who
Character(s):  Romana IV (my creation), Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler
Rating:  PG-13 (FRT)
Warnings:  Romana has regenerated!  Her character is how I figured it would be like if she regenerated.  Also un-betaed!
Disclaimer:  I do not own anything Doctor Who.  Though I'm not sure about the new incarnation of Romana.

A/N:  This came about after watching the Classic episodes that had Romana in them.  I fell in love with her and wondered what the new series would be like if she was there.  I think that this may have been done before but I don't know.

A/N2:  This is a continuation of The Final Two. Also if you want to picture Romana, picture Erica Durance from Smallville and Saving Hope.

Story Summary:  AU of "Rose".  The Doctor and Romana track a signal to 2005 London.  While there, they run into a young woman who just won't leave them alone!

Part 1
Part 2

“You brought us to the banks of the Thames,” observed the Time Lady as she looked about.

“This is where the signal came from,” he fumed as he looked about.  “Bloody hell, I lost the signal.  I got so close.”

Romana gave him a comforting smile and said, “Well, your flying has always been terrible.”  He pinched her in response, causing her to yelp.

Coming out of the TARDIS, Rose looked around, confusion evident in her face.  “We've moved!  Does it fly?” she asked in bewilderment.

“Disappears there, reappears here.  You wouldn't understand,” replied the Doctor.

“But if we're somewhere else, what about that headless thing?  It's still on the loose,” said Rose.

“It more than likely melted with the head,” answered Romana.

Dumbfounded, Rose whispered, “I'll have to tell his mother.”  The Doctor looked at her questioningly while Romana knew who she was talking about.

Rose saw the Time Lord’s look and Romana watched in amusement as she yelled, “Mickey!  I'll have to tell his mother he's dead, and you just went and forgot him, again!”  The Doctor rolled his eyes, which prompted Romana to punch him in the arm while Rose continued, “You were right, you ARE alien.”  She turned and walked back towards the railing.

“There you go again,” murmured Romana.  “Alienating everyone.  You’re very crabby in this incarnation.”

He glared at her before turning his attention back to Rose.  “Look, if I did forget some kid called Mickey…”

“Yeah, he's not a kid.”

Ignoring Rose’s interruption, he continued, “It's because I'm trying to save the life of every stupid ape blundering on top of this planet, alright?!”


“Yes!  It is!” he ended.  Now it was Romana’s turn to roll her eyes.

Shaking her head in disbelief, Rose asked, “If you two are aliens, then how comes you sound like you're from the North and Romana sounds like she’s American?”

Romana shrugged as the Doctor replied offendedly, “Lots of planets have a North.”  He folded his arms and looked away.

“You’re such a big baby,” retorted Romana.

“You’re no bloody help.”

“Be nice,” she ordered, having grown use to the man’s various attitudes over the past few incarnations.  She learned that she had to have nerves of steel when dealing with him in his more…interesting moods.

Rose spoke up as she looked at the TARDIS.  “What's a police public call box?” she asked.

Startled by the question, the Doctor answered, “It's a telephone box from the 1950s.”  He patted the ship fondly as a grin formed on his face.  “It's a disguise.”

“Only because he won’t let me fix it,” said Romana.

“I don’t want it fixed!”


Rose looked at them for a moment before smiling and shaking her head.  “Okay.  And this living plastic, what's it got against us?” she asked.

“Nothing, it loves you.  You've got such a good planet.  Lots of smoke and oil, plenty of toxins and dioxins in the air…perfect.  Just what the Nestene Consciousness needs,” replied the Doctor.

“Its planets were destroyed in the War,” added Romana.

“So Earth…dinner!” the Doctor ended.

“Any way of stopping it?” asked the human.

The Time Lord grinned as he pulled out a vial of blue liquid from his jacket pocket.  “Anti-plastic!” he replied.


“Anti-plastic!  But first I've got to find it.  How can you hide something that big in a city this small?” he wondered as he began to look around.

“Hold on…hide what?” wondered Rose.

Romana replied, “The Consciousness is controlling all plastic in the surrounding area.  To do that, it needs a transmitter.  And it has to be big enough to boost the signal.”

“What's it look like?” the girl asked.

“Like a transmitter.  Round and massive, slap bang in the middle of London,” replied the Doctor as he began to pace.  The Time Lady could tell that he was getting agitated - he only paced when he could not figure out something.  “A huge circular metal structure…like a dish.”  He turned to face the women, all the while his back was turned to the London Eye.  Romana and Rose looked at each other and then to the Eye, each thinking the same thing.  Unfortunately, the Doctor was clueless.  “Like a wheel.  Close to where we're standing.  Must be completely invisible.”  He then noticed that his audience was not paying attention to him.  “What?” he asked.

Rose looked at Romana again.  “Really?” she asked.

“Now you see what I have to deal with,” replied the Time Lady.

“What?” he asked again.  Rose nodded toward the Eye.  The man turned around, looked at it, and then back at the women, still confused.  “What?”

Fed up, Romana walked up to him, grabbed him by the chin, turned him back around, and said, “For claiming to be so smart, you can be so dense.”  Turning his attention to the Eye, she added, “Think about it.”  The man just stood there for a moment before his eyes widen in understanding.  “The TARDIS didn’t lose the signal.  It just brought us to the closest coordinates.”

He grinned stupidly as he said, “Oh, fantastic!”  He then grabbed Romana’s hand and ran, Rose running close behind them.

Running across the bridge and stopping in front of the Eye, they stopped at the foot of the ferris wheel.  “This definitely looks like a good spot for it,” said Romana as she began to look around.  “Great transmitter.”

The Doctor nodded.  “Plastic, all over the world.  Every artificial thing waiting to come alive.  The shop window dummies, the phones, the wires, the cables…”

“The breast implants,” mumbled Rose.

Romana cringed.  “That’s a bad image,” she said.

“Still, we've found the transmitter.  The Consciousness must be somewhere underneath,” said the Doctor.

Rose joined Romana in searching for a way underground.  A moment later, the girl yelled, “What about down here?”

The duo rushed over.  Down below was a manhole cover that led to the sewers.  “Looks good to me,” replied the Time Lord.  Romana nodded in agreement.  They ran down to the manhole.  The Doctor took off the lid and they climbed down the ladder.  Once down the ladder, the Doctor opened a door that led to another chamber.  A moment later, they found what they are looking for.  “The Nestene Consciousness,” said the Time Lord as he pointed to a huge vat that was filled with a moving orange mass.  “That's it, inside the vat. A living, plastic creature.”

“Well, then.  Tip in your anti-plastic and let's go,” said Rose.

The Doctor and Romana glared at her.  As the Doctor walked off, Romana said, “We don’t kill on purpose, Rose.  Unlike some others, the Doctor and I like to give people a chance before making a final decision.  Best you remember that.”  She then followed her friend with Rose glaring at her back.

Once he went down a few more steps, the Time Lord said, “I seek audience with the Nestene Consciousness under peaceful contract according to convention 15 of the Shadow Proclamation.”  The Consciousness gave an answer.  “Thank you.  Might I have permission to approach?” he then asked.  Once approval was given, the Doctor began his descent.

Just then, Rose ran by him.  Looking down, Romana saw the real Mickey leaning against one of the railings.  “Oh, my God!  Mickey!  It's okay!  It's alright!” the girl said as she knelt next to him.

Stammering, the man managed to get out:  “That thing down there, the liquid, Rose - it can talk!”  He then pointed at the Consciousness with fear.

“You're stinking!” she said.  She then turned to the Time Lords.  “Doctor, Romana, they kept him alive!”

“Yeah, that was always a possibility.  Keep him alive to maintain the copy,” said the Doctor.

Disgust in her eyes, Rose said, “You knew that and you never said?”

“Can we keep the domestics outside, thank you?” the Doctor asked.  He continued to walk down while Romana stayed with Rose who was trying to help Mickey to stand.  Once he arrived at the vat, he asked, “Am I addressing the Consciousness?”  The plastic flobbled in answer.  “Thank you.  If I might observe, you infiltrated this civilization by means of warped, shunt technology.  So, may I suggest, with the greatest respect, that you shunt off?”  The plastic then responded with various noises.  “Oh don't give me that,” said the Doctor.  It's an invasion!  Plain and simple!  Don't talk about constitutional rights!”

It then spluttered violently, causing Romana to cringe.  “What is it saying?” asked Rose.

“Don’t ask,” replied the Time Lady as she listened to the conversation.

“I…am…talking!” said the Doctor.  “This planet is just starting.  These stupid little people have only just learnt how to walk, but they're capable of so much more.  I'm asking you on their behalf - please, just go.”

Suddenly, two Autons appeared behind the Time Lord.  “Theta!” yelled Romana.

Unfortunately, the warning was too late as the mannequins grabbed him.  One of them pulled the anti-plastic from his jacket pocket.  “That was just insurance!  I wasn't going to use it,” explained the Doctor.  But the plastic refused to listen.  “I was not attacking you.  I'm here to help.  I'm not your enemy.  I swear, I'm not…what do you mean?”  They all looked up when they heard doors beginning to open.  When the TARDIS appeared, the Doctor said, “Oh, oh no - honestly, no!  Yes, that's my ship.”  The Consciousness roared.  “That's not true,” replied the Doctor.  “I should know, I was there.  I fought in the war.  It wasn't my fault!  I couldn't save your world!  I couldn't save any of them!”

“What's it doing?!” asked Rose.

“The Consciousness must have scanned the area and identified the TARDIS and realized where it comes from.  Now it’s scared,” replied Romana.

“It's going to the final base.  It's starting the invasion!  Romana, get them out!  Just leg it!  Now!” the Doctor ordered.

As Rose pulled out her phone, Romana pushed the two humans toward the TARDIS.  “To the TARDIS, quick!” she ordered.

Just then, the plastic began to send out the signal.  “It's the activation signal!  It's transmitting!  Romana, try to block it!” yelled the Time Lord.

She breaks into a run and made it to the TARDIS.  Unlocking the door, she ran in and went to the console.  “Come on, girl,” she said.  “Let’s see what we can do.”  She then began to flip a few switches.  Unfortunately, nothing was working.  “Damnit,” she cursed.  “They must be adapting it.  We can’t block it.”

Rose then ran in, saying, “The stairs have gone!  What do we do?”

“Hold on,” replied Romana as she flipped a few more switches.  “I’m trying to block the signal.  Bad news is that the Consciousness keeps changing the frequency too quickly.”  Looking at the scanner again, she yelled, “Bloody hell!”  She then ran back out, Rose following.  “Nothing’s working!” she yelled down at her friend.

Hearing her, the Doctor begins to struggle against the Autons’ hold, trying to reach the anti-plastic.  Suddenly, Rose picks up an axe and said, “I've got no A Levels.”

“Just leave him, Rose,” said Mickey.

“No job,” she continued.  “No future.”  She began to hack at a chain.  “But I tell you what I have got.  Jericho Street Junior School under 7s gymnastic team.”  Romana watched as the chain came loose and Rose grabbed it.  “I got the bronze!”  She then swung over the Consciousness, kicking the mannequins that were holding the Doctor into the vat - taking the anti-plastic with it.

Romana grabbed Mickey by the arm and pushed him into the TARDIS.  Running back to the console, she began to flip a few more switches in order to get the old girl ready to enter the Vortex.  A few moments later, the Doctor and Rose ran in.  “Got her ready?” he asked as he joined Romana at the console.

She did not answer at first as she was looking at Rose.  She saw a smile of satisfaction on her face.  Turning her attention back to the Doctor, she replied, “Waiting on you.  Do you have to be so slow?”

“You know me.  Always love the last minute escapes,” he retorted as he pulled a lever.  The engines groaned as the TARDIS entered the Vortex.  A minute or two later, the groaning stopped.

Looking at the two humans, Romana saw the fear in Mickey’s eyes.  “It’s safe to go out now,” she told him.

He did not have to be told twice as he ran out of the TARDIS, Rose following him.  “Some just can’t handle it,” said the Doctor.

“Some aren’t meant to,” amended Romana.  “What are we going to do now?”

“Continue on,” he replied.  “But…”  He looked at Romana as he pointed toward the door.  “What do you think about her?” he asked.

She looked at him for a second.  “I don’t know yet,” she answered.  “She seems capable enough.  Though there’s something about her…” she trailed off, not knowing what to say next.  “She seems a bit self-centered.  And dangerous.  I don’t like it.”

He nodded.  “I saw that too,” he said.  “Maybe we can change that.”  He then walked toward the door, leaning against it as Romana leaned against the railing.  Rose turned back to them.  “Nestene Consciousness?” he said, snapping his fingers.  “Easy.”  Romana snorted.

“You were useless in there.  You'd be dead if it wasn't for me,” Rose teased as she pointed at herself, seeming quite proud.  And arrogant.  Romana rolled her eyes.

“Yes, I would,” admitted the Doctor.  “Thank you.  Right then!  We'll be off!  Unless, uh... I don't know…you could come with us.”  Rose stared at him.  “This box isn't just a London hopper, you know. It goes anywhere in the universe free of charge.”

“Don’t!” said Mickey.  “They’re aliens! They’re things!”

The Time Lord pointed at Mickey.  “He's not invited,” he said.  “What do you think?  You could stay here and fill your life with work and food and sleep; or you could go, uh…anywhere.”

“Is it always this dangerous?” she asked.

“Only if you’re not looking for it,” said Romana.  “If you’re looking for it, then nothing tends to happen.”

As Mickey wrapped his arms around Rose’s legs, the girl replied, “Yeah, I can't.  I've um…gotta go and find my mum and um…someone's gotta look after this stupid lump.”  She chuckled as she patted Mickey on the back.  “So…”

They nodded.  “Okay.  See you around,” said the Doctor as he closed the door.  Romana watched as he walked to the console and flipped some switches, taking the TARDIS into the Vortex.

“That’s odd,” said Romana.  He looked up at her.  “You don’t usually just leave like that.  I thought you said that you wanted to change her outlook.  And you did leave out one important part.”

He looked at her for a moment before flipping a few more switches.  He then walked back to the doors and poked his head out.  She heard him say, “By the way, did I mention, it also travels in time?”  he then came back in, leaving the door ajar.  He then walked to Romana and pulled her into a hug.  “Let’s see how this goes,” he said.

The Time Lady nodded but could not shake the feeling that this was not a good idea.  She knew that she was going to have to watch Rose closely.

series: and then there were two, ninth doctor, romana iv, fic: doctor who, rose tyler

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