Dec 08, 2011 10:50
Hi guys
First of all, I’m aware I’m a little behind with the December challenge. Secondly, I’m also aware that my last challenge (which was esoteric, even by my standards) didn’t get much of a response and in general, the number of stories posted has dropped off a little.
Therefore, rather then have a challenge descend from on high (the theme would be, if I were doing that, ‘family and bad romantic decisions’ as that seems to be the central theme of all my characters’ Decembers and I wanted to share the pain) I thought I’d ask you guys what you would like to write about. What ideas do people have? What would be fun? It doesn’t need to be a thematic thing - it could be a three word game, or something entirely different.
I also wanted to say as well that you totally don’t just need to write for a challenge. Write up scenes. Write up backgrounds. Write up important moments in your characters lives. Link to the stories on G+ or buzz or wherever you like. Personally, I quite like this place existing as a single repository of stories, for anyone who is interested in our chronicle and would like it to continue.
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