Title: “Of Teacups and Tempests”
Series: Sailing in Samsara (2/2 - thus far)
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Spoilers: Post (my hypothetical) AWE
Pairing: Jack/Elizabeth, Saraswati (OC)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 9,721
Disclaimer: I don't own POTC or any of the people in it. They belong to Disney. Would that I was so rich.
Summary: This is Chapter Two of
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I also have to say that when I read this I felt a very deep rooted sadness in Elizabeth and it really tugs at my heartstrings underneath all the other drama and action in the piece. I can imagine how jarring it must be for her to spend this much time with Jack and to think she's finally starting to truly understand him and now with all this new stuff coming out she's realizing there's a huge portion of him that might as well be a stranger to her and it's chilling in angsty in a power understated way.
*waves Offcial Fan-Club Flag proudly*
This was a bethemoth of a chapter and I can't wait for the next part. Can't wait to uncover more of what exactly happened with Sara and her son. I'm salivating for more fic. *wipes slobber*
Til then you get Valentine Hugs! *huggles*
-- Aww, thank you so much! This is especially meaningful to me as I am an only child, so writing siblings is a challenge.
"I also have to say that when I read this I felt a very deep rooted sadness in Elizabeth and it really tugs at my heartstrings underneath all the other drama and action in the piece."
-- I'm so glad this came through to you. :) *does happy dance* It's really difficult for her - that clash between what she knows/thought she knew of Jack, and all the things she doesn't know about "Ranjit". Writing Lizzie (and trying to capture the nuances of character and situation) is one of my favorite challenges, and it makes me so happy to see that there is success in the endeavor.
"This was a bethemoth of a chapter and I can't wait for the next part."
-- I know - talk about loooooooooooong. Felt a little apprehensive about that, actually. Not sure how many have the patience to check out a fic as lengthy as this. So glad you liked it. Chapter Three is in the works, so stay tuned. :)
Thank you so much for waving the Fan Club banner! :) Happy Valentines to you as well.
*many hugs and squishes*
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