18. Happiness. Pete/Patrick.

Mar 17, 2008 15:41

Title: Keep it simple
Author: Nikki
Claim: Pete/Patrick, mention of Panic GSF.
Prompt: 18. Happiness
Rating: R
Word Count: 1108
Notes: For kittygrenade who wanted a Diner AU with lip-gloss, jazz hands and Optimus Prime.

Patrick watched as that guy came into the diner again. He sat in the same booth as always, opened up his laptop, and began typing.

“That’s like the fifth time this week,” stated Brendon as he snapped his gum.

“What?” asked Bob from the kitchen.

“That weird dude is sitting in Patrick’s section for the fifth time.”

“Huh. He must like Patrick.”

Patrick snorted and went over the guy’s table. “Hello, I’m Patrick. What can I get for you today?”

The guy looked up and smiled. “Patrick, I know who you are. You don’t have to keep telling me every time.”

“It’s in the rules, uh…”

“Pete. Pete Wentz.”

“It’s nice to meet you. What would you like?”

“The usual.”

“One coffee, one piece of pumpkin pie, and keep the coffee coming.”

Pete grinned up at Patrick. “You have it memorized.”

Patrick blushed, mumbled something, and dashed away behind the counter. Brendon laughed at him and went to go wait on three men who just walked in.

Bob chuckled and said, “That’s certainly the way to win his heart.”

“I don’t want to win his heart,” Patrick hissed.

“Sure, sure.”

Patrick scowled and went about preparing Pete’s order.


The next time Pete came in again, Patrick came right up to his table with coffee and pie.

“Patrick! You remembered!” Pete crowed happily.

“Well, you always get the same thing,” Patrick blushed.

“I’m easy like that.”

“Are you easy for everything?”

“Patrick, are you asking me out on a date?”

Patrick’s eyes widened. “Well, um, I don’t…”

“Yes he is,” Brendon said as he rushed by to serve the three men from last time.

Pete beamed. “Well, I agree. When do you want to go?”

“After work? I mean, if you’re free.”

“I think I can make time for you.”


Patrick went on break and made his way over to Pete’s table. He coughed and Pete looked up.

“Are you done already?”

“Nope. I have a break, I was just wondering if I could sit with you?”

“Duh, of course.”


They sat in silence until Pete asked, “How do you feel about Optimus Prime?”

“He’s fucking awesome, dude. He’s like, the best ever.”

Pete nodded happily and went back to typing.

“What exactly are you doing?” asked Patrick.

Pete blinked at him. “Oh. I, uh, design toys.”

“Wow, that’s awesome. What kind of toys?”

“Oh, you know, the regular kind.”

Patrick laughed.


As soon as his time was up, Patrick went into the back to clock out. He opened the door and stopped. Brendon and those three other guys were groping one another.

“This is awkward,” said Patrick.

“You have no idea,” muttered one of the men.

“Patrick,” Brendon smiled. “This is Ryan, Jon, and Spencer. They’ve been coming in as long as Pete, you know? We had a date last night.”

“So you decided to make out in the back room?”

“It seemed like a good idea at the time,” replied Jon.

“Don’t you have a date tonight Patrick?” asked Brendon with a smile.

“Yeah, with Pete.”

“You need something,” said Ryan.

“Like what?”


Patrick squeaked. “What?”

“I happen to have some right here. Now hold still, this won’t hurt at all.”

Patrick swallowed hard as the four of them crowded around him.


“Bob,” stated Patrick as he exited the staff room. “Don’t go back there. For your own sanity.”

“Why are your lips shiny?” questioned Bob.

“None of your business.”

Bob shrugged. “Your dude is still out there.”

“Thanks.” Patrick took a deep breath and walked out into the dining area. “I’m ready,” he called.

“What took so long?”

“Nothing. I just got accosted by Brendon and his new boyfriends.”

Patrick turned to wave good-bye to Bob and Brendon, so he didn’t see Pete’s eyes widen.


Pete and Patrick walked along the park after they left the diner. Pete grabbed Patrick’s hand and led him over to a park bench. He snuggled close to Patrick.

“For warmth,” Pete insisted.

“Sure,” Patrick grinned.

“What do you have on your lips?”

Patrick blushed. “Ryan put lip-gloss on me.” He licked his lips. “I think its watermelon.”

Pete leaned in and kissed Patrick. “Yeah, it’s watermelon.”

Patrick hummed in agreement and kissed Pete. Pete moaned and straddled Patrick’s lap.

“Perhaps we should move this somewhere less…exposed,” suggested Patrick.

“But I want to be exposed.”

“Not in public!”

Pete chuckled. “I didn’t know you were such a prude.” The smile slipped off his face for a moment.

“What?” asked Patrick.

“I have to tell you something.”

“Go ahead.”

“I don’t just design toys, I kind of make them too.”

“How do you kind of make them?”

“I own a toy company, Hemingway Inc. It’s named after my son.”

“Son?” Patrick’s voice broke. “You have a son?”

“Yes. He’s 5 years old and the most adorable thing ever. I’m not married,” Pete hastened to add as he saw the look on Patrick’s face. “His mother and I never wanted to get married, we just split custody of him. I think you and he would get along.”

“You don’t have to sell me on your son. If he’s anything like you, I should love him.”

Pete beamed and kissed Patrick again. “Let’s go to my place. Ashlee has Hem tonight anyway.”


The next day, Brendon slid up to Patrick. “Well,” he demanded. “Tell me all about it.”

“Shut up. Like you don’t already know,” scoffed Patrick.

“I have no idea what you are talking about,” Brendon said innocently.

“Sure, sure. Spencer, Ryan, and Jon probably told you all about it already.”

“Perhaps I just want to hear it from you.”


Brendon pouted. Patrick rolled his eyes.

“Look, here they come. Why don’t you go pout at your boyfriends and I’ll go feed Pete and Hemingway.”

Brendon sighed and went to go serve Jon, Ryan and Spencer. Patrick rolled his eyes again and went to give Pete his coffee. As he passed by the other men’s table they all waved their hands at him. Brendon snorted and ran back to give Bob the order. Patrick glared and continued to Pete’s table.

“Daddy?” Hemingway asked.

“Yes, Hem?” Pete replied.

“What did they just do to Patrick?”

“Jazz hands.”

Hemingway wrinkled his nose. “What are jazz hands Patrick?”

“They were just making fun of me,” Patrick said while placing the coffee on the table. “What do you want to drink Hemmy?”

“Apple juice, please.”

“All right. I’ll be back.”

As Patrick walked behind the counter he heard Hemingway yell, “Don’t make fun of my other daddy you guys!” and Pete laugh. Patrick smiled at the juice dispenser.

author: firedragon9, prompt: happiness, fandom: fall out boy

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