Choices board and prompts by lilian_cho. This board has fewer PC and picture square prompts because it only has three PC squares and three picture squares. The Choices board is inspired by amidakuji.
Then, with some trepidation, Nicholas called his mother. She dropped by with dinner once, twice a week, and if he went out of town for ten days without telling her, there would be hell to pay.
“Adrien has a family situation back in New York, and he needed some moral support,” Nicholas said.
“How come you never mentioned this Adrien before?” His mother asked.
“We didn’t really become close until recently.” Technically, he wasn’t lying.
“How bad a situation is it that he needs you there to hold his hand?”
Nicholas almost choked.
“Uh, there has been some tension in his family lately, and he'd appreciate having a friendly face there.” He should’ve told her it was a funeral or sickness in the family, but his mother could always tell when he lied outright to her. He wouldn’t be surprised if she somehow found out he had taken the Lord’s name in vain earlier.
“I’m glad you’re being such a good friend, but don’t get dragged into unsavory situations, you hear me?” His mother warned.
“Yes, Ma, I won’t,” he said dutifully. Then, in a burst of inspiration, “I’m thinking of checking out their graduate schools while I’m over there.”
Total pts: 5
Character: Paranoid +2, 200 words
More normal mother worrying than paranoia. And to be fair, she has a reason to be paranoid =O
The Proper-False snippet
Then, with some trepidation, Nicholas called his mother. She dropped by with dinner once, twice a week, and if he went out of town for ten days without telling her, there would be hell to pay.
“Adrien has a family situation back in New York, and he needed some moral support,” Nicholas said.
“How come you never mentioned this Adrien before?” His mother asked.
“We didn’t really become close until recently.” Technically, he wasn’t lying.
“How bad a situation is it that he needs you there to hold his hand?”
Nicholas almost choked.
“Uh, there has been some tension in his family lately, and he'd appreciate having a friendly face there.” He should’ve told her it was a funeral or sickness in the family, but his mother could always tell when he lied outright to her. He wouldn’t be surprised if she somehow found out he had taken the Lord’s name in vain earlier.
“I’m glad you’re being such a good friend, but don’t get dragged into unsavory situations, you hear me?” His mother warned.
“Yes, Ma, I won’t,” he said dutifully. Then, in a burst of inspiration, “I’m thinking of checking out their graduate schools while I’m over there.”
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