Choices board and prompts by
lilian_cho. Picture square prompts are from Billy Collins' poems again.
This board is inspired by
amidakuji. It has three new features: Mashup, Remix and Doors challenge. If people don't like the Doors challenge we can play a Doors-less version next time around.
Any comment/suggestion will be helpful =)
The rules are pretty self-explanatory; do tell me if they need clarification!
No Post Secrets because
the Doors challenge is worth 4 pts each. If you think I need to be more/less generous with points, do tell.
Credit for icons can be found
The goal of Writing Game is not to make multiple rounds around the board, but to accumulate as many points as possible.
You may switch fandoms/worlds whenever you first pass 20 points, 40, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, then free for all.
e.g. Total points: 19. Complete a +3 prompt.
This brings you to 22 points. At this point you may switch fandoms/worlds.
Stick to the colored path you're on, going left-to-right or right-to-left.
You may not change paths midway, except if you are at a Player’s Choice Square.
You may not change directions midway, except if:
1) You are going backwards because you skip a prompt.
2) You are at a Player’s Choice Square.
When you reach the other side, reverse direction onto a different colored path.
e.g. You started the game left to right from Z square and reached T square (green). You may start a new path right to left from F (blue), G (orange) or U (red).
All the general rules can be found in the
the dice. 1 - start at A (red), 2 - G (orange), 3 - M (blue), 4 - T (green), 5 - A (red) or Z (green), 6 - G (orange) or M (blue).
APrompt: Activities +1, Character: Active +2
BPrompt: Business +2, Character: Businessman/Businesswoman +3
CPrompt: Carefree +1, Setting: City +2
DPrompt: Dinner +2
Mashup: Lift out phrases/sentences from two or more of your previous drabbles/snippets, rewriting them into a new drabble.
Give yourself the same points as one of the drabbles you're mashing up.
EPrompt: Easy +1, Character: Easygoing +2
FAction: Finish +2, Prompt: Finishing Line +3
Door #1Click on the door to see the current challenge. After fulfilling the challenge, go forward onto a different colored path (G - orange, T - green, or U - red).
If you leave the door unopened, you have to go backward on the blue path.
GPrompt: Greed +1
HPrompt: Hang +2, Hangglide +3
IPrompt: Important +1, Import +3
JPrompt: Jelly +2, Jellyfish +3
KPrompt: Kind +2, Action: Kill +1
LCharacter: Lenient +2, Prompt: Lead +2
Door #3Click on the door to see the current challenge. After fulfilling the challenge, go forward onto a different colored path (A - red, M - blue, or Z - green).
If you leave the door unopened, you have to go backward on the orange path.
MPrompt: Model +2, Mahjong +3
NPrompt: Nothing +1
OPrompt: Obey +2
PPrompt: Prayer +2, Practice +1
QWrite a
Chiasmus +3
RAction: Rustle +1, Character: Rascal +2
Remix: Rewrite your last drabble/snippet using a different POV, style, tone, genre, etc. You may also write an alternate ending, expand one sentence into a drabble, turn plot into character study or vice versa.
Give yourself the same points as the drabble you're remixing.
If this is not your first time at the Remix square, you may remix any of your previous drabbles written for this game.
SPrompt: Stroke +2, Character: Seven-year-old +3
TPrompt: Tradition +2
UPrompt: Under +1, Underwear +2
Door #2Click on the door to see the current challenge. After fulfilling the challenge, go forward onto a different colored path (F - blue, T - green, or U - red).
If you leave the door unopened, you have to go backward on the red path.
VPrompt: Vein +3
WWrite about a character Weakness/failing +2, Write about a secret character Weakness/failing +3
XPrompt: eXercise +1, eXercise bike +2
YPrompt: Yogurt +1, Yoga +2
ZPrompt: Zombie apocalypse +2, Character: Zombie +3
PC square: You may use up to three prompts, as long as they’re in the same row.
Player's choice
Box A
Silver +2
Free +1
Civil +2
Bullet +2
Haze +3
Tangerine +1
Chicken +2
Dust +2
Talented +1
Wing +2
Snorkel +3
Purple +1
Player's choice
Box B
Ladybug +2
Mist +3
Underwater +2
Honeymoon +2
Clean +1
Pewter +3
Surgery +3
Cough +2
Grave +1
Gravity +3
Twinkle +1
Ultraviolet +2
Player's choice
Box C
Grape +2
Ice +1
Stiff +3
Eye +2
Chip +2
Glassy +2
Confetti +2
Burn +3
Frosty +1
Snowman +1
Shell +3
Gummy +2
Player's choice
Box D
Vogue +2
Melt +2
Guilty +1
Seashore +2
Blackened +3
Glued +1
Hospital +3
Bubble +2
Crystalline +1
Berry +1
Sing +2
Impenetrable +3
Picture square: You may use up to two prompts, as long as they’re touching each other (either top to bottom or side to side).
Picture square +2 each from Billy Collins' poems
1. but your face was absolutely straight when you twisted the lid down
2. while we are putting on our shoes or making a sandwich
3. tour the dripping corners of a dungeon
4. view the bones of a saint under glass
5. it is with difficulty that he turn each page
6. I do not want to hear their ancient rhytym
7. drugged perhaps by the hum of a warm afternoon
8. hide my head in phrasebooks and wrinkled maps
9. nothing but a skeleton at a typewriter
10. feed scenery to a hungry, one-eyed camera
11. language light as the air between my ribs
12. for one bright shining moment suddenly thrust ahead of his time
13. wait, like parents, for us to close our eyes
14. speed off down a road that will never lead to Rome
15. lost in a town of pigs
1 & 12 --
"The Country"2, 7 & 13 --
"The Dead"3, 4, 8, 10 & 14 -- "Consolation"
5 & 15 -- "Wolf"
6, 9 & 11 -- "Purity"
"Consolation," "Purity" and "Wolf" are part of The Best Cigarette collection and can be downloaded
here at, poem by poem or in one zip file.