Week 68 Game

Jun 24, 2010 02:06

Board and prompts by lilian_cho.
Instead of Prompt - Character - Action, this time Player's Choice will have Noun - Verb - Adjective/Adverb.

Post Secret is playable this week =)

The Rules )

game, board: square

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Comments 33

Home, D +3, Merlin lilian_cho June 29 2010, 10:43:41 UTC
The last book I read (and haven't finished, so NO SPOILERS PLZKTHX) is sarahtales' The Demon's Covenant.

I'm boldly venturing into Merlin fandom again. *holds breath*

Action: Diss +3, 100 words
Also answers merlin100's mystical prompt.

"When you said 'a mystical evening on the beach,' this was not what I expected."

Arthur toed the Merlin's-scarf-sized blanket.

"But Arthur-"

"No buts!" Arthur pointed his finger at his boyfriend. "I'm missing football on telly for this, there should at least be a bottle of wine."

"We can cuddle for warmth?" Merlin suggested hopefully.

"As skinny as your arse is, Merlin, I don't think both of us can fit onto that handkerchief you call a blanket."

Merlin sighed. The blanket promptly transformed into a familiar beaten red couch.


Pulling Merlin close to his side, Arthur smiled. "Much."


Re: Home, D +3, Merlin lilian_cho June 29 2010, 10:59:28 UTC
Made two miniscule changes.

X-posted @ my LJ.

"When you said 'a mystical evening on the beach,' this was not what I expected."

Arthur toed the scarf-sized blanket.

"But Arthur-"

"No buts!" Arthur pointed his finger at his boyfriend. "I'm missing football on telly for this; there should at least be a bottle of wine."

"We can cuddle for warmth?" Merlin suggested hopefully.

"As skinny as your arse is, Merlin, I don't think both of us can fit onto that handkerchief you call a blanket."

Merlin sighed. The blanket promptly transformed into a familiar beaten red couch.


Pulling Merlin close to his side, Arthur smiled. "Much."


Home, J, Harry Potter. benebu June 30 2010, 12:02:21 UTC
Last book I had read at the time the new board went up: Journal secret du Petit Poucet (Tom Thumb's Secret Diary)

Total points: 0
Prompt: Jealous +1
Wordcount: 66

(Snippet from "20 Random Things About Oliver Wood")

#?. Oliver isn't jealous in the sense that he's never made a scene or been mad at Percy because he had spent too much time talking with a fellow whose only crimes were to be both friendly and good-looking. But if the conversation grows a bit long, it's only natural that he comes around and introduce himself, right? Just to make sure everyone knows where they stand.


+1, PC -> Yellow, Harry Potter. benebu June 30 2010, 13:18:12 UTC
Total points: 1
Prompts: Flighty +2
Wordcount: 100
Characters/Pairing: Charlie/Narcissa.

Bittersweet thoughts

Her head pillowed on Charlie's strong, freckled chest, Narcissa tries not to think too much.

She knows how young men are, she has seen them in her days - carefree yet unyielding, professing their undying love one day, and packing their trunk on a whim the next to go and see whatever it is the world has to offer.

He caresses her hair, so softly for all his strength, and she sighs. This is the way of the world: young men will leave their ageing mistresses. Nothing will be accomplished by dwelling on it.

At least not while they're still there.


Re: +1, PC -> Yellow, Harry Potter. lilian_cho June 30 2010, 21:18:46 UTC
Flighty young men instead of women, eh? I approve ;-)

Yay, you're writing again!


Re: +1, PC -> Yellow, Harry Potter. benebu July 1 2010, 19:24:23 UTC
They're flighty all right, only they probably have a more 'manly' name for it.

Yay! writing_game has always been good for my writing. Maybe this is the game I'll win, who knows?


Re: +1, PC -> Yellow, Harry Potter. lilian_cho July 1 2010, 21:57:11 UTC
Commitment-averse >=D

*cheers you on*
Now for my own writing...


Home to S tablyn24 July 1 2010, 04:04:55 UTC
The last thing I read was fan fic by the name of "Some Days. So S!

Title: To Clear The Taste
Fandom: Law & Order CI
Prompt: Sacrifice +3
Total points: 3

She moves quickly away kicking herself for the blatant unprofessionalism and stops at the end of the lawn, and without permission from herself gets another look at lunch. She hears him walk behind and just stand there watching, studying. She wasn't sure what she wants more, him to leave or offer her water to clear the taste of vomit from her mouth.

"Sorry I'm better now," she turns after a few moments her voice shaky, unsure of itself.

"You just saw a human sacrifice of not one but of two children, no you're not okay, no one should be, Alex."


S to PC Blue +9 tablyn24 July 1 2010, 04:22:18 UTC
Title: Games
Fandom: Law & Order CI
Prompt: Father +3/Fish +2/Graceful +1
Total points: 9

"That's my father's favorite game." Serena follows her partners pointing finger to a stack of various games that had with a lot of time and grace had been stacked atop of the table.

"Which one? Chess?" It seemed smart and pompous people liked chess, and though she had never met his father, in descriptions given he seemed to fit that mold.

"No, but good guess, actually it's go fish. He'd play with me for hours, in fact it's the only fishing we ever did together."

"Perhaps it wasn't so much what the game was, but spending time with you?"

"Perhaps, but doubtful. He was quite obsessed with it."


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