I know it’s been awhile. That’s my fault (
gelsey) and I apologize. I can’t promise reliable posting in the future, either (school is killer). However, I got the bug to do one, so here it is. The word-tables were made by
gelsey. The board was made by
The goal of Writing Game is not to make
multiple rounds around the board, but to accumulate as many points as
You may switch fandoms/worlds whenever you first pass 20
points, 40, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, then free for
e.g. Total points: 19. Complete a +3 prompt.
This brings you to 22 points. At this point you may switch fandoms/worlds.
Always follow the alphabet, unless you land on a PC.
For the Player's Choice squares, you can only take more than one
prompt if the ones you choose are in the same row.
And of course, follow the rules in the
HomeStarton the letter of the last dessert you ate.
AAction: Abandon +2
BCharacter: Boney +3
CPrompt: Choir +1
DCharacter: Daring +3
EAction: End +1
FPrompt: Federal +2
GCharacter: Girl +1
HAction: Hail +3
IPrompt: Iridescent +3
JCharacter: Jerk +1
KPrompt: Kelp +2
LAction: Lean +1
MCharacter: Meek +3
Player's ChoiceSee the boxes.
NPrompt: Neutral +2
OCharacter: Orderly +1
PAction: Purchase +3
QCharacter: Queen +2
RPrompt: Rose +1
SCharacter: Silent +3
TAction: Tear +3
UCharacter: Unsavoury +3
VPrompt: Vespers +1
WAction: Weep +2
XXena Quotes +3
YAction: Yell +1
ZAction: Zip +2
NOTE: On the center middle Player's Choice, Up is towards I, Right is towards X, Down is towards J, and Left is towards Picture Prompt.
Player's ChoiceBox AUp
Prompt Character Action
Cucumber +3Imaginary +2Make +1
Island +2Singer +1Toss +3
Illusion +2Famous +3Rinse +1
Dog +1Callous +2Praise +3
Player's ChoiceBox BRight
Prompt Character Action
Scenery +2Dangerous +3Eat +1
Amphibian +3Dear +1Feel +2
Article +1Ignorant +2Finish +3
Feasible +2Furious +3Listen +1
Player's ChoiceBox CDown
Prompt Character Action
Band-aid +1Single +3Tingle +2
Clock +2Saucy +3Dance +1
Unicorn +3Tender +2Toss +1
More +2Fearsome +1Defenestrate +3
Player's ChoiceBox DLeft
Prompt Character Action
firefly +2old +1listen +3
phone +1tired +3clean +2
ant/aunt +3ashamed +2sigh +1
silver +1addicted +3ignore +2
You can't use more than two quote prompts at once, and you can only
use them if they're touching (ie, next to each other, or above/below
each other). Use the quote prompts in place of the pictures on the
You can use quotes, characters, situations, etc., anything inspired by the particular play listed.
Shakespeare Quotes+2.
Merchant of Venice
Comedy of Errors
Richard III
All’s Well that Ends Well
Taming of the Shrew
Romeo and Juliet
Julius Caesar
Titus Andronicus
Twelfth Night
Richard II
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Antony and Cleopatra
Much Ado About Nothing