Thirty Day Challenge
The clock starts on May 1st and ends on May 30th. During the next thirty days, use the prompt and write something.
It can be long or short, fiction or poetry. Form, fandom, genre doesn't matter. We just want to see you writing.
Then, we want you to post a piece based on that prompt every ten days. At the end of the thirty days, you'll have three completed pieces based on the prompt.
We'll be making copious use of the tags and linking all finished pieces for the challenge back to this post.
May's prompt is storm.
Remember, you can start the Twenty-Five Day Challenge (where you are writing consistently and posting something here) at any time and it can coincide with your Thirty Day Challenge. Share snippets and bits or one whole prompt if you like.
You'll need to be a member of the comm in order to post. Hope to see you writing and posting!