Nov 29, 2004 20:04
no really it is turning out to be an interesting winter
despite exams, despite the twists and turns and tears that plague me every day, despite the fears about my future.
things i know i'm going to write/start writing in december:
# a poem cycle inspired by my family
# a short story based on indian history during the british raj
# miscellaneous short poems
# a series of articles on life in my city
# a children's book.
never before could i even have imagined i would want to write a children's book. but the idea is very clear in my head, it appeals to the child in me, i want to illustrate it myself.
i'm not into writing for catharsis entirely, or any form of therapy really, but i must confess that these ideas, and the possibility that i will one day translate them into literature, are the only things that are keeping me sane, keeping me alive at this time.
since i am an atheist... i will not pray for strength.
i will simply get down to brass tacks pen and paper and write.