Criminal Justice Introduction

Sep 16, 2003 01:32

The room was in a hush as the man in the trench made his move to the front, the dignified man clothed in a black robe stood and asked with the kind of authority that just seemed to make people stop and reconsider their actions regardless of what they were.
"What is this all about? You're interrupting a courtroom proceeding and I will have you jailed if you don't have proper justification!"
Not a word slipped from the lips of this man as he calmly strode to the front of the room.

"Bailiff, remove this man!" the judge said with a decisive but somehow desperate tone in his voice. As the large officer approached the mysterious man opened his coat to reveal something that put the while room in a state that could be likened to suspended animation, if there had been a fly in that room it would have stopped what it was doing.

"He's got a bomb!" said one man as he began to run; the whole room became a chaotic mass of people surging for the exit, upon later examination their first mistake, they could have easily taken the man down and stopped him from arming the bomb, but now they had agitated him.

"Everybody stays or the whole place goes!" the only thing they would have to go on was the voice, he wore a mask and no features could be clearly made out; everyone froze again, even the fly. "Now get the hell back into your seats!" As everyone sat, the room calmed down and the judge rose yet again.
"Excuse me son," he said firmly "but this is a hell of a mistake you're making, you can make things a lot easier on yourself if you give up right now." That might have worked on a stable person but this guy was apparently a psycho, it just seemed to piss him off.

"Hey, don't patronize me old man! I'm not some little kid, ok, I'm here to get a job done and I'll either get the job done or take you all down!" His tone calmed down "Now, if I get what I want you'll all live and go on with your peaceful lives and you'll never have to worry about me again."
The Judge sat. "So," said the judge raising an eyebrow "What is it that you want?

"Lizzaro", Said the man in the trench.

"You can't be serious, you think you'll get out of here with the worlds most notorious gangster, we've been after him for years!" said a lawyer for the prosecution as he jumped from his seat.
"I already told you! I don't give a damn about what you people want, this is what I'm doing and it will happen or we'll all go out together, so here's the question? Do you want to give up Lizzaro, and live without a psycho behind bars, or die with a psycho like me?"
"Hey! What's the big idea calling me psycho, listen here if you're some kind of hired henchman just shut the hell up and do your job!" said Lizzaro.

The man in the trench had Lizzaro by the arm by that time and was leading him down the aisle of the courtroom, by the time police arrived at the scene the duo had escaped and without any evidence as to their whereabouts, the escape seemed perfect, he was seen running from the court house but no one saw them entering an escape vehicle, Lizzaro and the masked man has yet to be located.
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