[Failbot!Mod] An Update on Progress

Jun 26, 2015 14:59

Failbot!Mod apologises for having been away from most means of contact recently u_u Failbot!Mod has no excuses to make, and hopes that her return will make up for her Failbot-ness u_u

Firstly, a mahoosive thanks to everyone who left messages signing themselves back up for the next round of Shiritori, which excitingly includes new!! people!! (Or new blood, as ex-mod Rinbean used to call them~ ww) I will get to work sorting people out into groups soon, and the announcement of new teams will go up at zero hundred hour GMT on July 1st.

In the meantime, I believe team 3 still have two people left on the current turn. If we could establish what's happening with them before July 1st, I would be much obliged~

Otherwise, that's all from Failbot!Mod for the time being, and if all things progress smoothly, you shall hear from me again at midnight on July 1st with the new team line-ups!

- Failbot!Mod over and out

!mod post

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