[team one] reconciliation

Aug 25, 2014 22:37

I am such a zombie rn idek if this makes sense, whatever. I have no idea what they fought about before this fic takes place. Also I am 90% certain that Yaracchi's mails to Uchi don't really contain that many hearts but I am at least 100% certain that Uchi's mails to Yaracchi definitely do.


Right about now is when he'll be thinking about going to Osaka, Yara remembers as soon as he checks the date and time on the television screen before setting a programme to record. He’ll be packing up his things into that flashy-looking suitcase of his, and soon he’ll be being embraced by his mother and heading westwards toward the autumn round of Endless SHOCK. He considers sending a mail, but somehow when he picks up his smartphone from its place next to Chura's terrarium he ends up mailing Fukuda instead.

Have a good time at the Umeda Arts Theater. Go fishing with me when you get back, OK?

Then, in the spirit of equality, he sends messages to the other five instead: to Tatsumi he suggests muscle training before this coming winter’s Playzone; to Matsuzaki he suggests going out for dinner, and to Koshioka he asks for regards to be sent to the members of Kosshi’s family still living in the Kansai area. He asks Koichi to bully Uchi extra on his behalf, and to Uchi he sends a message stuffed with about twenty heart emoji and promises to come to his funeral if he really does end up dying this year, like he always insists he will.

And then, Ryota. Yara’s thumbs hover over the glowing touchscreen. He isn’t sure whether or not it’s the right thing to do, not after their argument just a few days before. But he will be a traitor to the ‘you’ve gotta do it’ spirit by which he’s lived thus far if he doesn’t go through with this now, he knows, so…

Do your best in Osaka. Take care of yourself, Ryota.

A reply comes before Yara has even had the chance to set his phone down on the table next to Chura’s terrarium, and Yara pauses with one arm outstretched before drawing the phone back toward himself again. It is not from Uchi, like Yara was half expecting, nor from any of the 4U members, nor from Koichi.


I’m sorry about the other day...

I miss you.

It takes far less time for Yara to compose a new message this time.

I miss you too. Hurry up and get back home soon.

The reply is almost instantaneous.

Only if you agree to meet me for dinner when I return (^^)

Yara’s breath huffs from between his lips in a burst of amusement.

It’s a deal.


faded-lace! ♥

*team one, love ranger: yararanger, fandom: dance umbrella

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