[team one] awesome

Jun 20, 2014 23:11

ugh this sucks I'm sorry. Set during a semi-recent Endless SHOCK.

"Like magic," Fu breathed when he finally made it to Kishi's dressing room at the end of that day's Shock performance. "The whole thing. It was like, like…" He flopped down in a seat beside Kishi, who was busy removing his stage makeup. "Like, one minute I was walking into the theatre and finding my seat, and then the next minute it was the intermission, and then suddenly it was over and I was…" He cut himself short. "Like, where did the time go? How does Koichi do it? And you…" Fu found it suddenly difficult to get enough air, and remembered to pause to inhale properly. "You were awesome, Yuta. So awesome. You were really cool."

Kishi grinned, looking down at the makeup-smudged face wipe before folding it up into smaller squares and tossing it into the rubbish bin. "I'm not anywhere near as good as the others, but…" He busied himself with trying to tear open a second pack of face wipes.

"You really were awesome," Fu pressed. "The tap number, with Yara-san and Yamamoto-kun and everyone, it was, it was…" He floundered, flailing his arms in circles as he sought for a way to describe it. "So shiny. You were really, really shiny."

Kishi gave up on the battle against the plastic packaging of the face wipes, and handed them over to Fu. "Did you cry?"

Fu looked down at the packet of face wipes. "…Mm."

Kishi looked at Fu's face, and then grinned as Fu glanced up and met his gaze. "You look like you've been crying," he said.

"Sobbing, more like," Fu corrected. "It was so…" He sought words again, and again came up short. "It was really, really good." Package opened, Fu handed it back to Kishi, one wet tissue poking out of the top.

"Thank you. For… It… that makes me happy." Kishi beamed at him, and Fu thought he might break into a million pieces of glitter and awe and happiness.

"I would never lie to you," he said, brimming with sincerity. "Not ever."

♥♥ faded_lace!

*team one, fandom: general juniors, love ranger: yararanger

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