[mod post] reshuffle and sign ups

Feb 22, 2024 20:18

Hello all! We've actually had a reshuffle on since January 15, but better posted here late than never! So, as a general reminder, this is the time to check in, check out, or sign up if you're new or know people who might be interested. We'll still keep what's already working; don't worry about us breaking up teams!

If you’re currently on hiatus, it would still be great to get a check in as to your plans for the coming round (i.e. if you plan to still jump back in or if you’d rather check out at this point.

Like the last two times, we've opted to use a form instead of having comments on different posts. (Don't worry, the questions are still the same!) Since this is now the third round of using the form, we've continued with the two-stream approach. Whether you're continuing, leaving, coming back after being away, or new, please fill out the appropriate form:

👋 returning player form

🆕 new player form


If you have any questions, have trouble with the form (or are worried we didn't receive it), you're welcome to comment on this post or contact Mousi (remousapelli on twitter, mousapelli on bluesky, and mousapelli on gmail) or bluedreaming (bluedream.ing on bluesky, bluedreaming@fandom.ink on mastodon, or shiritori@bluedream.ing) directly. We're also available on the discord server. In addition, here's the official rules post (always the most recent post).

Reminder about how this works

We'll all finish our current rounds while waiting for people to fill out the form. If your team is done but you're bored, feel free to write for team sonic. It will take a bit to receive all the information and organize the teams (though by now I'm halfway done, thankfully).

Additional notes

- We have a Bluesky account now so I’ll share a link when I have an info post up there (along with the other places).
- Our Twitter isn’t really active anymore.
- You can now add information about if you have a Squidgeworld, Bluesky, or Mastodon (or compatible) account as we have at least one mod presence on those platforms. (Well, Squidgeworld is mostly the fact that we could create a shiritori collection there if anyone posts there.)
- The form asks if you have a preferred check in time, as we’re thinking that having a set time once a year would be really helpful. More information about thisRight now we tend to check in once a year (like we’re doing right now) and it’s never been scheduled, though it sometimes used to happen in October or June. Check in would happen when we felt things starting to slip with teams, so we’d call it when we needed it. The last few years, maybe it’s just that some of us are a little busier, but even though we figure out that we need to check in, it can then be hard to find the time to do the set up if we have other things happening. So, since check in happens about once a year anyway, we thought it might be easier to pick a time for it so we can plan for it in advance and not know we have to do one (like this time we knew in November) but not manage to get to it until January 😭. So the question is whether there’s a good time for it.


Please do share the word about shiritori, and direct people to this post! (There's an image in the post, so it should look reasonably nice if you share it on your social media platform of choice.) You can also share the image and Airtable form directly wherever you would like:

link to image: https://images.squidge.org/images/2022/10/18/shiritori-reshuffle.jpg
link to new player form: https://airtable.com/shrbRFqO8skQjjKGo
link to returning player form: https://airtable.com/shrGJGdCRiuPNG1Gw

Welcome to all, both newcomers and seasoned participants, and best wishes to you if you're leaving!

This post was also cross-posted to Dreamwidth and linked on Twitter; the Dreamwidth post and forms were also linked on Bluesky. (CSS tips credit)

!sign ups

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