Title: You Run For Cover (I'll Take The Bullet)
Fandom: Once Upon A Time
Rating: PG-13
Pairings/Characters: beginnings of Regina/Emma, Henry, Mary Margaret
Summary: So she jumps in between a bullet and Regina. And though the reasons are anything but, if anyone asks, it was a purely professional decision.
Spoilers: For all aired episodes, plus a
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Comments 18
yeeeeeeeees. The new jacket (complete with a Priestly-esque jibe about the old one!). Henry getting a clue (he does need to be reined in a little!). Emma's recovery. All the details are fantaaaaaaaaaastic and so true to each character.
Love it. Meming it. <3ing your face.
Thank you for writing this!
(I really need a Once Upon A Time icon. Do you know where I can get any?)
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