The Rocky Horror Prada Show - DWP - Miranda/Andy - Part 2

Oct 31, 2011 17:36

Title: The Rocky Horror Prada Show - Part 2
Fandom: The Devil Wears Prada
Rating: hard R for language and mentions of vulgarity
Pairings/Characters: Miranda/Andy, Serena/Emily, Nigel, Lily, Doug, Cassidy, Caroline, and a cameo appearance by Emma Pillsbury (Glee)
Summary: Andy's really serious about Rocky Horror.
Spoilers: for the entire movie of The Devil Wears Prada and The Rocky Horror Picture Show, as well as possible spoilers for Rocky Horror showings.
Word Count: 12,342
Disclaimer: I do not own The Devil Wears Prada, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Emma Pillsbury, The Clearview Cinema in Chelsea, or anything else at all related to this story.
Author's Note: First and foremost a huge thanks to the amazing damelola for the beta job. This would not be nearly as good without her. Also, I played with a lot of things in this story. I went with the fact that the twins were 14 in the movie, making them 16 two years later. That would mean that this story is set in 2008, although Halloween did not fall on a Monday that year, so I played with timelines. Also, while it is true that the Clearview Cinema in Chelsea does play Rocky Horror at midnight every Friday and Saturday, I have never been to one of their performances. As such, the performance descriptions in this story are based on my own experiences as well as internet research and do not reflect the Clearview Cinema showings. and lastly, Happy Halloween to all!

Everyone filed out of the theatre laughing and wide awake for the late hour. "So," Doug asked as they made it out of the theatre and the crowd began to disperse, "dinner?"

"Dinner?" Cassidy asked. "It's two in the morning!"

"Breakfast, then." Andy laughed.

"Is there even somewhere open right now?"

"I know just the place."

"Of course you do, Six."

"So, who's in?"

"You know Dougie and I are," Lily assured.

"I could go for a bite," Serena nodded.

"I'm game," Nigel added.

"What about you, Em?"

"Food really is all you think about, isn't it?"

"Pretty much," Andy teased. "Come on, Em. I think you can eat some food with us tonight. Tomorrow you can go back to your cheese diet. You deserve a reward after tossing all those carbs during the movie."

Caroline and Cassidy looked at their mother as Andy and Emily bickered back and forth. The limo pulled up and Miranda addressed the group."You will have to give Roy the address, Andrea."

Everyone in the group turned and looked at Miranda in surprise. "Wh-what?"

"Awesome!" The twins hopped in the limo.

"Unless you'd prefer to walk or ride the subway to this diner, but some of you," her eyes traveled Andy's body, "are underdressed for the weather."

"You really want to go out to eat with us at two in the morning?" Andy asked in disbelief, although hers was nothing compared to Emily's.

"The girls are very excited by the prospect, and goodness knows some of you could stand to eat something." Her eyes ran over Emily's body while she spoke, and Andy was sure the red head would've fallen over if not for Serena holding onto her waist.

Andy knew it was the first time Emily had ever heard Miranda imply she was too thin in any way. She also knew a wide smile was splitting her face, but she didn't care. She had to refrain from hugging Miranda for finally making that acknowledgement. "Okay, great! Great! Thank you!" Andy climbed in to give Roy the address, and to his credit, he didn't even blink as he took in her costume, or any of the rest of the group as they piled into the limo.

The diner wasn't very far away from the theatre and with the much more limited traffic, they made it there quickly. Andy led the way in, very obviously unashamed of her costume.

"Hey Andy!" The waitress greeted her, taking a quick head count. "Big group tonight, huh?"

"Yeah, a bunch of virgins. It was a blast."

"Take your pick of tables and I'll be over in a second to get your order."

There were a few other patrons, but for the most part the diner was deserted. Andy grabbed a long table that would seat all of them and sat down. The others followed suit.

"So, what it that bad of a time?" Andy asked with a grin.

"I suppose it was semi-enjoyable," Emily hid her smile behind her menu and Andy shot her straw paper at her.

"Are you kidding? It was awesome, Andy! Could we go with you again sometime?" Cassidy practically begged.

"Well, I love when people come with me, so it'd be okay by me. But," Andy pinned the girls with a look before Miranda could reply, "you would have to clear it with your mom this time."

"Could we, Mom?" Caroline asked.

"We'll have to discuss it another time, Caroline. But if Andrea is amenable, then perhaps you could go with her some time in the future."


The waitress came over and took their orders as they continued to chat amongst themselves about the show. Andy had to hide her own smile behind a menu when Emily ordered a cheeseburger and fries. She knew that come Monday, she'd be back on her diet, but considered tonight's meal a reason to celebrate the entire evening.

"So, Andrea," it was one of the first times Miranda had addressed Andrea, besides to tell her to inform Roy of the diner's address, "how long did it take you to develop such... skill at participating in the show?"

Andy was expecting the question to be posed with an edge of sarcasm, but was surprised to realize that Miranda seemed genuinely curious. "Oh, well, it's an always evolving process really. I mean, there are some things that are always the same, that the audience always calls out, but then there are just other times when based on present situations, people try out new things and then they get added in. It's almost like fashion in that way, I think. Always changing and evolving, but still keeping those same fundamental core ideas."

"Well said, Six." Nigel raised his glass of water to her, and Andy looked down, blushing slightly.

"But to answer your question, I went to my first Rocky Horror show when I was about the same age as the girls. I snuck out and didn't tell my parents where I was going. I went with Joey Whitworth, who I thought was the biggest hunk. He spent the whole movie trying to make out with me, but I was far more interested in what was going on around me than where he was trying to stick his tongue. Joey and I didn't last, but Rocky and I did."

"There was a theatre in Cincinnati where they showed it?" Serena asked curiously.

"Oh yeah. There are theatres all across the world that still show it. Rocky Horror is actually the longest running theatrical release in film history. It was first shown in 1975 and has been going pretty strong ever since."

"That's so cool."

"I think so." Andy smiled at Cassidy.

"Food's up!" The waitress announced as she approached the table with their orders. Everyone dug into the food with gusto and continued to laugh and talk while they were eating.

When they had finished, Andy grabbed the bill before anyone else could.

"Oh, come on Six, you're not paying for all of us."

"Yes, I am, Nige. I'm just glad you guys decided to come with me. If you're so bothered about it, you can pay on our next date, which Em will get the pleasure of planning, since she had to suffer through this tonight."

"Well," Emily smirked at her, "I guess it wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be."

"High praise, from you, Em." Andy smiled.

"Oh can it, Andrea Sachs, before I take it back."

Miranda watched her employees and Andrea as they teased back and forth and was once again struck by the friendship that had apparently grown without her knowledge among the four. She was aware that Emily and Serena were in a relationship, much as they tried to hide it, and that Nigel was friendly with them, but in the two years since Andrea's departure in Paris, there hadn't even been a hint that any of them were still in contact with Andrea, let alone going on "dates" with her.

Miranda continued to puzzle over this new information while Andrea paid the bill and the rest of the group continued chatting. The girls were starting to look tired, but still looked happy and as though they fit right in with the group, even though they'd had very little contact with anyone in the group before that night.

"Alright, we're all squared up." Andy smiled as she came back, shouldering her white purse.

"You guys ready to go?"

"Sure. We crashing at your place tonight?" Doug asked, holding his arm out for Andy.

"If you want."

"We must get together again soon," Serena said, hugging Andy and then the others in turn.

"Yes, when I pick the location." Emily laughed as she hugged Andy tightly.

"Of course, Em." Andy grinned.

"Talk soon, Six."

"I'll call you later in the week, Nige."

Miranda watched as they all bid each other farewell and then turned to her. It seemed that no one knew exactly what to say to her, except of course, Andrea, who always seemed to be the exception to her rules.

"Even though the circumstances weren't great at first, I'm so glad you could join us tonight." She smiled.

The girls hugged Andy tightly. "Bye, Andy. Thanks for everything."

"Bye, kiddos. Goodbye, Miranda."

Miranda watched as the group started toward the door, and once again, just like on the steps in Paris, she felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as the girl got farther and farther away.

"You do not require a ride home?"

"Oh, we couldn't inconvenience you any more than we already did. Doug, Lily, and I will just grab a cab. My apartment isn't too far from here."

"And Serena, Emily, and I will share a cab in the other direction." Nigel assured.

"But thank you so much for the offer, Miranda."

Once again, Miranda watched as the group walked away, only to see Andrea turn back at the last second.

"I almost forgot," she smiled, "if you girls ever get ungrounded, here's my card. It has my email and my work and cell numbers. If you want to take another visit to the lab sometime."

"Awesome!" Cassidy said, quickly grabbing the card.

Miranda took in the card in her daughter's hand and felt the sinking feeling in her stomach loosening.

"Good night."

"Don't you mean good morning?"

"Good morning, then." Andrea's smile was still wide and Miranda thought that it just might be a good morning after all.

Miranda waited until she saw both threesomes get into cabs before climbing into the limo. The girls climbed in and settled on either side of her, their heads quickly finding her shoulders as sleep began to overtake them.

"Tonight was awesome, Mom." Cassidy mumbled between yawns.

"Yeah, the best." Caroline agreed.

"Mmm, well, I'm glad you had fun. And in the morning we can discuss your punishment." The girls groaned. "And mine."

"Yours?" Their heads flew off her shoulders.

"It was brought to my attention very clearly tonight that I haven't been spending enough time with you. So while you deserve to be punished for trying to sneak out, I should also be punished for what I did."

The girls grinned. Their mother was offering up punishment for her behavior? This was perfect. In their silent twin speak, they conveyed what they were both thinking. Their mother was going to pay up, and pay up big.


"Oh shit." Doug hissed as he closed Andy's apartment door the next morning around 10.

"What?" Andy straggled out of the bedroom, her eyes bleary and her hair a mess.

"Coffee's in the kitchen." Lily mumbled as she came out of the aforementioned room holding a large cup. Andy made a beeline for the coffee maker and only once she had settled on the couch beside Lily and taken a large gulp did she turn back to Doug.

"What's wrong, Doug?"

"This." Doug tossed the paper, opened to Page Six, onto the coffee table in front of her.

There, in black and white, under the headline 'Dragon Lady And Daughters De-Virginized' was a picture of Miranda with a large V on her forehead, with Cassidy and Caroline on either side of her, also sporting the Vs.

"Oh shit!" Andy grabbed the paper and quickly scanned the small blurb under the picture.

It seems that New York's most famous devil was playing up to her wicked roots when she attended a midnight showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show last night with her daughters and an entourage that included some of her Runway underlings. The notorious Dragon Lady went willingly to the virgin sacrifice and was seen throwing toast and toilet paper, albeit demurely, with the best of them. Miranda's daughters, dressed for the occasion, seemed to be having a blast too, sitting with an unknown brunette who appeared to turn Miranda's head. Could the queen of Runway be taking a page from Dr. Frank-N-Furter and giving herself over to absolute pleasure... with another woman? Or did the Rocky virgin just want to do the Time Warp? Either way, we're all lucky!

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!"

"What? What's it say?" Lily leaned over to read the paper. "Oh, shit."

"Miranda is going to flip. She's absolutely going to lose it. I mean, they practically call her a lesbian, for me! And they put a picture of the kids in there. Oh my god. She's going to think this is my fault. She's going to think that I took the picture or sent it in or... I don't even know. Oh my god."

"Andy, calm down. Maybe she hasn't seen it."

"Oh, she's seen it. She's Miranda Priestly. Of course she's seen it!"

Just then, Andy's cell phone began to ring. Her eyes widened. "Oh my god."

"Andy, relax. I'm sure it's not..." Doug picked up her phone and his eyes widened too, "Miranda."


"Just don't answer it," Lily suggested.

"No. No, no. You can't not answer one of Miranda's calls." Andy grabbed the phone and hit the answer button with shaking fingers. "Hello, Miranda."

"Andrea, did I wake you?"

If she hadn't been so worried about Miranda's reaction to the article, she might have found it strange that Miranda seemed concerned about whether she'd woken her up or not. But because she was concerned, she instead blurted out, "Yes, and I've seen the paper and I'm so sorry. I will take care of it. I can't believe they put it on Page Six and I'm so sorry, and what they said..."

"Andrea, what are you on about?" Miranda's voice cut through her ramblings.

"The - the paper. Haven't you seen the paper?" Panic began to take over as she realized that Miranda may have not seen it yet and that her wrath would be worse when she did now.

"Yes, yes, of course I have. The article was ridiculous, but the picture was rather good, I thought. I'm considering having Emily contact the photographer on Monday to get a copy."

Andy's head was spinning at Miranda's seeming non-reaction to the picture and article and so without thinking, she replied, "Doug has better ones."

"Does he now?" Miranda seemed interested, and there was also a hint of a tease in her voice.

"Um, y-yes. He took some and we looked at them last night, er, I mean, this morning when we got back and they turned out really well. He didn't do it to be rude, and Miranda, I swear, he's not the one who gave the paper the story or the picture. It wasn't any of us."

"Andrea, don't be silly. I know that." Miranda sounded almost bored. "Tell Douglas that he can bring the pictures with him on Monday."

"Mo-Monday?" Nothing was making sense, her head was spinning, and she was exhausted. If she survived through this conversation, Andy vowed she was going back to bed for the remainder of the day.

"Yes. I'm having a small, private get together at my home in honor of the holiday. That's why I'm calling, to invite you and Lily and Douglas."

"A party? At the townhouse?" Andy knew that Miranda was not a fan of Halloween, so for her to be throwing a party was strange enough even without the fact that she was apparently inviting Andy and her friends to it.

"Yes, Andrea. The girls wanted to throw a small party and I acquiesced. How much sleep did you get, because apparently it wasn't enough. Your sleep deprived little brain is taking far too long to process things this morning. A costume will be delivered to you. Lily and Douglas will have to supply their own, I'm afraid. Please get some sleep before the party so that I may actually talk to you. That's all."

"But, Miranda, I -" The dial tone sounded in Andy's ear and she knew that once again, just like when she worked for her, Miranda had ended the call when she saw fit, and not necessarily when it was the best time.

"So, what did she say?"

"She - she wants you to bring your pictures along to the Halloween party she's throwing at the townhouse on Monday."

"Wait, what?"

Andy blinked, and slowly came out of her Miranda induced stupor. "She was inviting us to a Halloween party at her house on Monday. And said that she liked the picture in the paper and would like to see yours on Monday, Doug."

"Are you kidding me?" Lily was incredulous.

"Andy, are you sure this wasn't some kind of joke? Maybe Emily getting back at you?"

"No, it was definitely Miranda."

"So we're really invited to a private Halloween party at her house?"

"Yes?" Andy was still unsure.

"Holy shit, it's like the invitation of the year!" Doug nearly screeched. "What will I wear?"

"I'm going back to bed," Andy announced, heading toward the bedroom.

"I think she's still in shock." Lily whispered as she watched Andy go.


On Monday afternoon, two packages were delivered to Andy at The Mirror. One was a large garment bag and the other a shoe box. A note was attached to the garment bag.

Andrea, be at the townhouse by 7:00. Wear this.

It wasn't signed, but Andy had no doubt who it was from. She checked with her boss if she could head out early since her articles had all been filed and then called Doug and Lily to tell them to get to her apartment ASAP.


"So, what is it?"

"I don't know. I haven't looked yet." Andy admitted.

"Well, girl, open the bag!" Lily moved forward and pulled the zipper down to reveal a dress.

"Wow." Doug said as he carefully lifted the dress out of the bag. It was strapless and made of out something that felt very much like satin. It was a shade of red that Andy recognized instantly.

"It's the sheet," she said, running her fingers over it.

"What sheet?"

"It's supposed to be the sheet that Janet and Rocky cover themselves with when they're discovered in the lab."

"You're right. But why would Miranda want you to wear that?"

"I have no idea."


At 6:55, Andy reached forward to ring the doorbell of the townhouse. She was thankful that no paparazzi seemed to be lurking about as she, Lily, and Doug waited on the steps.

The door opened to reveal the twins, both dressed up in full Hogwarts robes, their outfits completed by wands. "Andy! You came."

"Hi, kiddos," she smiled as she carefully stepped into the house on the four inch heels that had been settled into the shoe box and that matched her dress perfectly.

"You look awesome, Andy!" Caroline smiled.

"Well, thank you."

"And you guys look great too!" Cassidy told Lily and Doug. They were both wearing their Rocky Horror gear again.

"So," Andy asked as she looked around the townhouse that seemed to have been turned into a spooky spectacular, "where's your mom?"

"Oh, she's here somewhere. Come on, come in and maybe you can find her."

They all headed into the large living room area that had been cleared away to serve as the epicenter of the party. Decorations were everywhere and the house looked straight out of a magazine. Andy caught sight of Emily, Serena, and Nigel, as well as who appeared to be some friends of the girls milling about. There were very few people, but Miranda was no where to be seen.

Doug had headed for the refreshment table while Andy continued to take everything in, her eyes searching the crowd for Miranda. She wanted to talk to the older woman, to find out why she had been invited and what Miranda was up to.

"Oh, shit." Lily whispered beside her, her face turned towards the stairs.

"What?" Andy turned and stopped, startled. Miranda was coming down the stairs, wearing the exact same dress as she was. Her silver hair had been turned (by a wig, Andy hoped secretly) blonde.

"Is she supposed to be Rocky?" Lily asked the question that Andrea had been pondering too. What the hell was Miranda doing?

They watched as she came down the stairs and moved over to talk to Nigel, Serena, and Emily.

"What the hell is going on?" Doug asked as he came back, his eyes fixed on Miranda.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out." Andy started towards Miranda, only to watch her slip off towards her den. Andy tried not to think about the last time she had been in that room, when Miranda had told her that she was the one who was going to Paris and not Emily, as she followed after her.


Miranda turned, a small box held in her hand. "Ah, Andrea. I'm very glad to see the dress fit."

"Yes, it fits fine, but Miranda, what is going on? Why are you wearing the same dress? Why have I not been struck down by the gods of fashion for daring to be wearing the same thing as you? And why did you send this to me if you knew you were wearing it as well?"

Miranda smirked just slightly. "So many questions, Andrea. I thought you were a journalist, able to suss out the truth easily."

"Miranda, I -"

"Your costume, both tonight and Friday night, are nearly perfect. But you're missing something." She held the box out towards Andrea.


Miranda merely raised her eyebrow and lifted the box a bit until Andy took it. She opened it to reveal a perfect replica of Janet's necklace from the film. "I noticed you didn't have that necklace on, so I thought, to make it more realistic, you should have it."

Andrea said nothing, just stared at Miranda as she tried to calm down her racing mind and fit the pieces of the puzzle together. Andy was getting the picture and she only hoped she wasn't wrong.

Carefully putting the necklace on, Andy moved closer to Miranda. "I meant what I said, you know." She told Miranda.

"What?" Miranda felt intoxicated by Andrea's nearness and hoped she understood what she was trying to convey.

Andy leaned forward and placed her lips beside Miranda's ear. "I'll put up no resistance" she sang softly, then turned to head back to the party.

"Oh no you don't." Miranda grabbed Andy's arm and spun her, pulling her into a heated kiss.

When she pulled away, Andy's eyes were dark with desire, and she grabbed Miranda's hands, placing them on her breasts. "Toucha toucha touch me, I wanna be dirty" she sang.

"I fully intend to chill you, thrill you, and fulfill you before the night is over," Miranda nearly growled as she worked her lips across the exposed skin of Andrea's neck and shoulders. "But for now, my children wanted a Halloween party, and we are expected to attend."

She pulled her lips away and moved back to look at Andrea. Once again, the girl's skin was flushed, but this time it was because of Miranda, not just the song.

Andy looked long and hard at Miranda before she spoke, once again using Janet's words, only giving them even more meaning. "I want to stay the distance."

"Dammit Janet, I do not intend to let you walk away again." Miranda responded easily and Andy's stomach flipped at the possible implication of the words as a wide smile spread across her face.

"Then lead on, creature of the night."

And as they headed back to the party together, their dresses brushing and becoming impossible to see where one ended and the other began, Andy knew that she was no longer dreaming it, but finally being it. She would be giving herself over to absolute pleasure and she would have a hell of a time doing it.

And she had the Rocky Horror Picture Show to thank.

character: miranda priestly, character: emily charleton, character: nigel, character: andy sachs, character: caroline priestly, fandom: devil wears prada, pairing: miranda/andy, pairing: emily/serena, character: cassidy priestly, character: serena

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