Title: Escaped
Warning: Slash
Rating: T-plus
Summary: The men in white come for Amir. Jake concocts a plan for a…rescue mission? Really? (Part 1/2)
Author: writesstuff
Disclaimer: No owneth
PS: Thanks to
piccadillyo for the prompt idea =]
Part 2
Poll 2-shot win or fail? -0-0-0-0-0-0-
Jake stared at the men in white coats. “Uh…Amir…?”
“Yeah?” Amir looked up and Jake had to point slowly behind him. They two froze as Amir turned. The scene that unfolded was surprising, but completely Amir. Amir jumped off his chair, over the desk and had Jake straddled. His eyes wild, he licked Jake’s mouth before being pulled away and stuck with a needle.
“W-what’s going on?!” Jake spluttered after a little bit, getting over the shock of a ‘could-be classified as a kiss-lick’ from Amir.
“He escaped from the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Hospital-he’s very unstable and would not have been let out with all his problems,” the brusque male stated.
“A-and those would’ve been?”
“Diogenes syndrome, Fregoli Delusion, Avoidant Personality Disorder, along with Borderline Personality Disorder-those two go hand in hand, Histrionic personality disorder, almost all of the personalities disorder rolled up into one for this one,” the taller of the two grunted as he threw Amir over his shoulder. “Expressive Language disorder, compulsive lying, ADHD, bipolar disorder…this one is-,”
“This one is Amir…that’s just how he is!” Jake squeaked, standing and holding out his arms, “I can handle him-,”
“He needs medical treatment.”
“I realize that, I just don’t think he needs to go to a mental hospital!” Jake glared at the taller male. “I can’t-,”
“This issue is non-negotiable,” the two started leaving.
“No, I can’t let you take Amir away-, wait…he’s not going to be here anymore, is he?” Jake stopped the struggle.
“Of course not!”
“Okay, go ahead,”
The two left with Amir draped over a shoulder. Jake watched as Amir’s glassy eyes moved, looked straight at him and then closed, drool falling out of his mouth, onto his captors’ shoulder.
The next day, as he entered work, he frowned at the empty desk across from him. “Hey, Jake, where’s Amir?” Sarah asked, rolling over to his desk.
“The men in white came yesterday,”
“Ah…” she nodded, as if that made all the sense in the world-which it did, to be completely honest. No one would have been surprised. “What did they say?” she asked curiously.
“He is one messed up person,” Jake leaned back in his chair, “All having to do with rage, bipolar disorder, personality disorders and all these self-destruction ones-I think it’s good they-,”
“They took him away because he has occasional rage issues?”
“Sarah, he picked you up by the neck and threw you down when you tried helping Rosie, that one time!” Jake exclaimed. “He has every right to be in the mental hospital for it,”
“That was only the one time-,”
“And he smacks me all the time-,”
“Sounds like you two need a couple’s therapist,”
“Unsurprisingly, he’s tried that-with a non-therapist, but he’s tried it,” Jake ran a hand through his hair and growled. “Why are you defending him?” he added.
“Cause, as much as he was annoying, he was part of the team-a funny part of the team-and he was one of the top tech guys!” she pouted. “Now nothing is going to get fixed around here because all the interns know how to do is drink, run around with their heads cut off, or stare at a computer screen,”
“No, I refuse to talk to you until Amir comes back,” she turned away from him with a flourish and rolled back to her desk.
Jake ran a hand through his hair and let out a growl. “Even when he’s not here, he’s a cock block,” the rest of the day played out with him being asked where Amir was.
He was happy; music would have been playing, had it not been real life. He high-five Rosie, Streeter, then Jeff, just for the hell of it. He was going to high-five Sarah, but she gave him the cold shoulder.
Oh well, bitch! …Stupid…
He closed his eyes when she glared at him even more. The two were on pins and needles.
He ran off four different scripts, two articles and even a funny-pun picture. Jeff looked at them, then at him and let out a low sigh. “Jake…”
“Yeah?” Jake, was to be honest, excited. He had gotten so much work done without Amir around. So much!
“These all include Amir…”
What? Jake blinked, stared at Jeff for the longest time before stuttering out surprise. “No, no way!” he grabbed the scripts, “These can’t all have Amir in them!”
“Yeah…they star him, in fact…how did you not notice…?”
Jake thought back to him writing. They were supposed to be about Streeter, Jeff, and Pat-all of them…none of them was supposed to include Amir-at all! He told Jeff just that, none of them were supposed to have Amir in it!
“Maybe Amir’s ghost is still here,” Jeff joked before picking up the scripts, “I’ll change the names that match the personality…these are good,” he added, just for Jake’s benefit.
Jake raked a hand through his hair, looking at the tabletop. “Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake-,”
“What, Amir?” Jake snapped, looking up but not finding the Jew. He closed his eyes. “I’m going insane,” he thought with a scowl.
The next few days scared the living hell out of Jake. He walked home after the first day without Amir, feeling better than usual, but stared at the shop window where a dozen or so McNugget packets were spread about a table near the window.
The second day, he arrived at work to find Amir’s things gone, except for the head of his Penguin suit. He stared at it for the longest time, not able to focus on his work and just stared. The thing was intentionally facing him, he knew it! Running a hand through his hair uneasily, he tried working. He really did. That damned penguin head was mocking him…
Picking it up, he dropped it when Sarah called out to him from the kitchenette-area. “Coming!” he called, his voice cracking at the end.
By the end of the fourth day, he swore he had heard Amir’s voice more than 4 dozen times-in the space of 9 hours.
Running a shaking hand through his hair, he winced when he came to a realization.
“I need to get Amir back.”
Jake did something he never thought he’d have to do. He called Amir’s mom. “Yes, Mrs. Blumenfeld…which hospital is Amir at?”
There was a lot of awkwardness in the answer, but he finally summed up: the same one as before.
Now if only he could remember…
UCLA Neuropsychiatric Hospital…
“Is there any way he would be let out? Like…you discharge him…?” when getting a negative answer, he cursed under his breath. “None at all?”
“He’s got too many problems, they say-he needs to be monitored at all times,” Jake closed his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh. “The only way he’ll be aloud out again is if he escapes,”
Jake clenched his Iphone and nodded, “Thanks,” he hung up, chewed his thumbnail, and seemed thoughtful. “Break him out…?” he murmured.
“Jake, stop speaking to yourself or the men in white will come get you next,” Sarah teased.
“Thought you weren’t speaking to me…” he pouted.
“I’m not, I’m just saying…if you keep speaking to yourself, someone will call you in,” she grinned.
Jake squinted, thoughtful before his eyes widened. “Do it, I dare you-Billy will defend me,” he said, puffing out his chest. Sarah pretended to sigh. “I’m going to go to the washroom,” his voice had changed.
“Jake, what-,”
“I’m Alistair,” he cut her off, an English accent shining through.
“Okay, Alistair…”
“Who’s Alistair?”
Sarah deadpanned but picked up her phone, called the familiar number and said in a rushed tone. “This man needs help…he’s showing signs of schizophrenia, and dementia…” she hurriedly whispered. “I think we can come in for a psychiatric analysis this weekend?” Jake had returned, looking confused.
When Sarah got off the phone, she looked at Jake. “Get ready, Jakey…we’re going to Cali,” she said quietly.
“You’re going to help me?” Jake asked excitedly.
“Of course, I miss Amir…and my printer is messed up!” she smiled at him.
“Good,” Jake smiled, cracked his knuckles, and stretched. “Now, we need a plan,” he said with a professional air.
“You come up with the dementia and be a schitzo, and I’ll come up with the plan, Alistair,” she said teasingly. Jake grinned unabashedly and shrugged.
Jake scratched at the tutu and made a face, “Why did I have to wear-,”
“Oh, don’t act like I did that to you-I told you to get the costume and psychoness together, you’re the one who made the costume,” Sarah waved him off.
“At least let me tell the guys you made me wear a tutu?” he whined.
“Okay, now-,”
“Why are you wearing a tiara?”
“Gender confusion?”
“It could be another one of your personalities…” Sarah pondered this for a second, “Make one up, now,” she clicked her fingers against the chair’s armrest.
“Miss, would your…friend…like something to drink?” a flight attendant asked politely, eyes lingering on Jake a bit too long for his liking.
Sure, he was in a pink tutu, with tiara planted firmly over his head…, and had a ‘For the Wolf’ shirt on…with the bottom half of the penguin suit on…but there was no reason to stare…
Making a mental note in his head, he had to remind himself to replace Amir’s penguin costume when they got back…first the head was taken off, now the bottom part? Amir would be crushed…
“Uh…coke?” Jake coughed to clear his throat. “Make that a coke mixed with rum,” Sarah corrected. “And I’ll just have a rootbeer,” she said happily.
“Sure…?” the flight attendant walked away, confusion written on her face.
“Why a rum and coke?” Jake asked curiously.
“Considering you’re almost as bad as Amir when you’re drunk, I think it’s a good idea to get you drunk,” she rationalized.
“I am not almost as bad as Amir when I’m drunk!” Jake whined.
“Gee, I didn’t know you were a whiney little bitch when you were sober, too!” Sarah snapped.
Jake pouted but took the rum and coke. “Got anything stronger than this?” he asked innocently.
“Yeah, like whiskey or something?”
“Um…I can check?” Sarah waved her off cheerily.
“We’re worrying her,” Jake hissed when he glanced back and seen the flight attendant pointing to them.
“Act natural!”
“I can’t when I’m wearing a freaking tutu!”
“Why did you put it on before we even got there?!”
“I don’t know!” Jake ran a hand through his hair to calm himself down. “I just…I don’t know!”
Sarah sighed. “It’ll be okay…we only got like, 2 hours or something…” she flexed her fingers and stretched. “I’m going to take a nap…just keep ordering drinks,” she ordered.
“Yessim,” Of course, Jake didn’t. He had a plan; of course, he had a plan. If he wanted to go on an adventure, of course he had a plan! This one mainly consisted of being a spy, waiting for the right opportunity and quietly slipping away while Sarah distract the doctors…then he’d find Amir, make out with him a bit (because really, what else do spies do with their charges?), and then sneak him out…
Or break through a window, commandeer a cab and drive to the nearest airport…or car rental place.
Either would work, really, he rationalized. He definitely could not take a plane back to New York-Sarah could, she was just an accessory to a breakout…technically, she wasn’t in on the plan.
He let out a low sigh as he leaned back and had a mini-nap.
This had to work.
Okay, so I decided to end the first part here xD the second part may or may not have smut in it-I’m still trying to figure out if they should have hot-yummy-car-smex, or just do the makeout scene and be all awkward about it xD