Title: Unfinished
Summary: Unfinished
Rating: T for language
Fandom: Jet Set Radio Future
Gum didn't even bat an eyelash. "Yo, you started this mess of a group."
Beat let out an obnoxious laughter that no longer sounded obnoxious to Gum's ears. "Yea, but Corn beat my ass to take it away from me." He put a hand to the pole and started to get up. "There's no stopping the game of tag and war." He smirked his lizard grin. "You of all Rudies should know that."
Gum wondered if he was making a slut-shaming shot, or was referring to her kiss-n-run days. Either way, she didn't quite like the comment. She put her hands on her hips. "Butchering an old saying doesn't help make your point, Beat."
"Maybe so..." Beat bobbed his head to the silent beat. "But I've still got graffiti soul in me." He stood straight, leaning against the pole with one skate behind the other to keep him in place. He nodded his head in her direction. "Hey. So do you. If you know how to invest it properly."
Gum flicked him the middle finger. Beat laughed loud. "I invest it just fine, thanks." She folded her arms, lips curving smug smile, brain wrapping around a certain thought. "You're just mad that I haven't invested it in the Grand Bank of Beat."
The smile on Beat's face went. Gum laughed at the victory. Beat flustered. "Puh-lease! Like I'd want your time? Haven't you already been around a couple dozen Tokyo blocks? I don't wanna know what you caught down there."
Gum rolled her eyes. She had him, hook, line and sinker. "Whatever, Beat." She moved one skate in front of the other, rolling over to him. Beat tensed at the short distance between them. Gum smirked in close proximity. "C'mon," she said with a sly edge. "You can buy me dinner on 99th Street." She started for the steps up to the highway.
Beat watched her from his place by the pole.
Gum turned her head at the last step. "Hey!" she shouted down to him. "Either move your ass or you're gonna miss out on buying me dinner and maybe the one chance you'll ever get at feelin' me up."
That seemed to snap Beat out of his stupor. He smirked. "The second time?"
"Okay, suit yourself," Gum stepped up onto the highway and started skating. She could hear Beat's flustering shouting stumbling behind her, accompanied by a second pair of skates and one red-faced, red-haired kid. Despite her obvious win, Gum let Beat have the last word.
"But you're paying the tip!"