day 2 BLOOOOOOD!!!

May 29, 2008 23:57

Today I had to go in for the Mayo people to pull blood and make me pee in a cup.  I am soo not a fan of the whole needle blood passing out thing.  And it was a fasting draw, so no food after 7pm yesterday.  My appointment was at 8am, so went in for the blood draw and about had a heart attack.  they took 10 tubes of blood.  at that rate I shoulda just given them a pint...  so not good.  I got super light headed and had to stay seated once they were done.

I'm just not any good with anything requiring a needle.  First off, I hate them playing around with my veins and I usually get a little barfy feeling at that point.  Even as I type this, I want to barf.  Second, I don't care how wonderful they are, I can always tell you when the needle is in and how far.  I NEVER want to see the needle so I NEVER look, but I can ALWAYS feel it.  And it always hurts.  It makes the whole arm just annoyingly bitchy at me.  The back of my hand to my shoulder everytime.  So, given the choice, I'll take peeing in a cup over the whole grodey blood thing.  I was easily able to do the peeing thing.  I actually remembered not to go right before my appoinment for a change.  Success!!!
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