Oh the weather outside is frightful...

Dec 09, 2009 19:44

So we don’t get a lot of snow around here, but rain has been plentiful this year.
I really hate that this new road has gone in near my house. It is very poorly designed and floods when it rains a lot because water comes of the mountain (big hill if you are from Washington state).
Anyway yesterday my brother left the house to go study but a storm came in and he didn’t want to drive in it and he was getting ready for a final that was today. He is less than a mile from the house on this main road, not even going very fast when he hits water. It was deep enough that it caused his car to stall. So he calls mom and she comes to wake me up and asks for help. This is around 10:45ish, and Im out of bed getting dressed and ready to go help him. We get there and there are cars behind him not sure what’s going on and I get out of the van to go help him. By the time I get to his car I am almost knee deep in running water. He stalled really close to one of the drains that was still trying to suck water down I could hear it sucking. Anyway the road was flooded really bad and someone had called a cop and he was showing up just after us.
I pushed my brothers car out of the water but when I can see his bumper I find that it is well not there. I heard something dragging while I was pushing it and just figured it was a stick, got down and his bumper had been forced under his car by the water.
I don’t know how bad it is, but we didn’t get it back to the house till around 12:30 this morning.
Dear H-Vegas City
Your road designs fucking suck!!

crappy roads and weather

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