Why Writer Tessa Was Doing A Happy Dance

Jan 31, 2011 14:14

Stacey: It should be illegal for Writer Tessa to dance

Tiana: But she was doing a happy dance all weekend

Stacey: Because she has a new follower on twitter -- http://twitter.com/#!/andybaldwin

Tiana: Yep, that’s right, Writer Tessa is now being followed by none other than her celebrity crush

Stacey: The guy she’s been cyber-stalking forever

Tiana & Stacey: Andy Baldwin!!!

Stacey: So Andy Baldwin follows more than 2,000 people

Tiana: But it’s still cool because he doesn’t auto-follow and more than 14,000 people follow him so Writer Tessa only had a 1 in 7 chance of being followed by him and we’re really happy for her because Andy Baldwin’s really cute for an old guy

Stacey: He’s not just old, Ti, he’s ancient. He’s even older than Writer Tessa

Tiana: Stace, Andy Baldwin following Writer Tessa is like Justin Beiber following you

Stacey: Seriously? Well in that case, Writer Tessa is cool!
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