What a Monday...Even though it's Tuesday.

May 27, 2008 11:57

I'm having the weirdest day.

Work is a little hectic because of several people being out (partially scheduled, partially not). And it's the first day of the week, so I'm already a bit groggy anyway. Not exactly a good combination.

And then I had this random email from an old friend. An old friend who stopped talking to me when I got together with my husband. Honestly, I don't even remember the specifics, except that he was being immature and I was too busy with getting married to bother to try and straighten it out. (And it wasn't that he was madly in love with me or anything...he just didn't agree with some of my choices, I think, like living with my future hubby before we were married.) And he was apologizing for wronging me.

And told him that I never felt "wronged"...only sad that we weren't friends anymore. We used to talk constantly. One of my current screenplays (my television pilot, actually) came out of series of talks we had--we created this story where we and our friends were spies. The current idea has little resemblance, but that's where it started.

It feels really strange to be nervous about whether a person who was one of my closest friends for...about 8-10 years will accept a truce and start keeping in contact again. I know we'll never be best friends again, because I'm sure we've changed a lot (and it'd probably be a little strange and possibly inappropriate anyway). Still, it'd be nice to have that little connection to my teen/college years still alive. We had a lot of fun in those days.

And yet another project popped back onto my radar. I love working on multiple things--keeps it fresh--but even I think it gets ridiculous at times. Still, I'm not ever going to be one to force myself to not work on something. Even if I'm nickel and diming my projects. *sigh*

The novel in question was the very first one I started after making the conscious decision that writing was actually going to be my career. (In 2001. Wow, time flies.) Of all my stories, it has probably evolved the least over the years. The basic story is essentially the same:

Katrina Long, a teenager, has a magical connection to Bon Andrion, the world/dimension/plane where dreams are created. She has to use that connection (maybe there's a prophecy, maybe not) to save the world (both worlds) from an evil guy who wants to send everyone into permanent nightmares. She does this with the help of her best friend, Jen, Bon Andrion's prince, Nicholias (who has so far failed at being a responsible prince), and other companions.

I wanted to keep that basic story and make it a little edgier (more akin to the feel of my Frosta novel), so I think Katrina was diagnosed with schitzophrenia. She's had visions, heard voices, that kind of thing, all her life. She goes on drugs that cut her off from the dream world, and thus they have to send someone (Nic) to find her, because they need her.... It used to just be that she had an overactive imagination, but I think her perceived illness will make her that much more interesting. Anyone a psychologist? I'm gonna need some insight into that particular illness just to see what would cause them to diagnose her. ;-)

I want a vacation. A long one. :-)

general, novels, screenwriting

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