
Sep 01, 2012 21:29

Something new for you - Rosebud Prompts. So... what is a Rosebud?

A Rosebud is a short story. It is longer than a drabble (100 words) but shorter than 500 words. (But we’re flexible - if you get one that won’t fit into 500 words we’ll pretend not to notice!) You can use the titles in any way you choose - you can use them as a title, or just as a general prompt, and you can do as many or few as you like. Join them together if you want and do one huge story!

1. In Too Deep
2. Alien
3. Out to Dry
4. Salt and Pepper
5. Whiskers
6. Tired of Waiting
7. Cushioned
8. Evergreen
9. Nuts and Bolts
10. Dinner and a Movie

Have fun!

rosebud prompts

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