Origins of well-known phrases

Jun 07, 2012 00:31

We all have our favourite phrases and sayings, but did you realise that quite a few of our modern sayings originated with, or were popularised by Shakespeare?

Take a look at this interesting list - and next time you find yourself saying Star-crossed lovers, love is blind or what’s done is done - just take a moment to consider its origins!

that writing thing, phrases, general writing and tips

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Comments 4

ares132006 June 7 2012, 06:33:34 UTC
Well! I never!

For goodness sake. "Henry VIII"

And, In a pickle. "Tempest"

I use those all the time.

For those that say they don't like Shakespeare, think again.




scribesds June 7 2012, 11:20:30 UTC
I found it fascinating.

I think its also interesting from a writer’s point of view. You want to do a Liam or early Angelus story but not sure if your phrases are too modern? Well, there is a whole wealth of stuff to use if you know they were in use a whole lot earlier than that!


zuriel June 10 2012, 16:02:59 UTC
Finally had a moment to take a look at this list. It's fantastic. Didn't have time to really read through it, but saved it for a later day.

I'm not exactly a fan of Shakespeare, but I can still appreciate his accomplishments.

Thanks for pointing this site out!


scribesds June 10 2012, 16:27:15 UTC
You're welcome!


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