That Writing Thing.

Feb 23, 2012 19:39

You know what's the ban of my existence as a writer?

Plot. What should the characters do? Where? How? Why? And, worst of all... How do I find a plot that hasn't been done a thousand times already?

So I have a trick. Sorta. What's the only place that offers situations that never happen in real life and yet sound perfectly plausible? Yup. The horoscope.

Pick a character (say, Buffy), pick a zodiac sign (say, Aquarius), stir lightly and you'll get:

An older relative or neighbor (Hank Summers?) may need your assistance today, Buffy. This is apt to be a very inconvenient time for someone to ask for help, because you have plenty of chores of your own (Like saving the world!). Nonetheless, you'll go to the rescue because that's your nature. Take care to plan your time carefully, pace yourself, and try not to do too much at once. That way you'll live to help again tomorrow.

There, a ready-made plot seed.

Insert necessary details, dialogue, extra characters as needed - and don't forget a healthy dose of B/A! - and your story is all set.

that writing thing

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