Slings and Arrows -- "Three's a Crowd"

Aug 27, 2011 17:15

a late fill for oxoniensis's Porn Battle XII

prompt: Geoffrey Tennant/Ellen Fanshaw/Oliver Welles, ghost

Three's a Crowd | NC-17 | 134 words | complete

Sometimes, it's like there's three of them in the bed, Ellen and Geoffrey, of course, but Oliver, too. Oliver, who ruined everything and Geoffrey still can't escape. His ghost lies between them when they sleep, haunts Geoffrey at the theatre (Ellen knows all theatres have ghosts, but this is ridiculous), but when they have sex...Geoffrey is so passionate, not gentle like he was before. He never hurts her, no, of course not, but the pleasure is sharp with that tiny edge of pain: thrusting just a little too hard, fingers digging into her hips just a little too deeply.

And sometimes--sometimes, when he comes, the name on his lips his not hers. She pretends she doesn't hear, turns her head away, but it's only to hide the tears.

Feedback is better than chocolate.

fanfic - porn battle, fanfic - slings and arrows

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