Sep 20, 2009 23:05
I feel like screaming till the walls bleed
Nairobi, Kenya
Sex workers with HIV
That don’t get AIDS
Something to do with the blood
Their T-cells kill AIDS off
And maybe soon there
Will be a vaccine
I feel like screaming till the walls bleed
In the test tube
Peppermint extract
Will kills AIDS
But not in the body
There is no known cure
And at this time a vaccine
Is extremely unlikely
I feel like screaming till the walls bleed
Africa, America, Japan, Mexico,
England, Canada, South America,
Remember condoms are
Not a cure
I feel like screaming till the walls bleed
As drug companies
Abandon antibiotic research
For the development of
Drugs that sell
Instead of drugs that
Will save us
I feel like screaming till the walls bleed
Because America is so rich
And so very cheap
As people die in droves
Still hopeful for a cure
Not themselves but for
That child in Nairobi, Zimbabwe,
Mexico City, San Francisco, L.A., and China
I feel like screaming till the walls bleed
I am American
I am of mixed ethnicity
I am frustrated that
We are not doing all
That can be done
I want to scream till the walls bleed
As I survive
To see friends
Younger than me
Take pistols in mouth
Pull, crack, bang!
It’s the give up
It’s my anger
I want to scream till the walls bleed
And I have
And then some
As their blood drips
Off the wall and window seals
Onto hard wood floors
I feel like screaming till the walls bleed
I am so very tired
Of going to funeral
After funeral
Wearing the same
Black dress to each one
Comforting people I don’t know
“Tis a far better place they are”
I want to scream till the walls bleed
Because part of me
Doesn’t believe it
As we go to candle light vigils
For the dead
And give money for
Red bows that show
Our support for funding of
New AIDS research
And Education that
Will save so many
I want to scream till the walls bleed
Because still so much
Needs to be done
Even though we know
Were HIV comes from
Ireland, Scotland, Russia,
Australia, Germane, Tibet
Know that there are
Worse things to contract
AIDS is not the death sentence
That it use to be
I want to scream till the walls bleed
And the floors are tacky with my contempt
As my All Starts
Stick to the floor boards
In a world were
Hope sinks and
Shit floats
As we pump out
New pills for ADD,
Depression and erectile dysfunction
I want to scream!
But more so I want
To know why the rest
Of you aren’t screaming with me
Why will you risk your life?
Why will I risk mine?
And why was I spared
I want to scream till the walls bleed
Till there’s something more
Something expressed
In the faces of the
World’s youth
That more needs to be done
And will be done
O’ World, hear this
Scream and do not
Turn on me
Deaf ears and cold shoulders
But rise and
Hear your sister in distress
And take on the cry
I want to scream till the walls bleed
I want a cure
I want my friends to live
I don’t want to wear
That black dress any more
We need a cure
Not in ten years
And not in five
But right now
I want to scream till the walls bleed
Because no one is listening
And more will die
North America, Europe,
Asia, Antarctica, Earth
Rise with eyes open
And scream till the walls bleed.