#43 Screen | Original

Aug 04, 2017 15:25

Title: RIP Space Mom
Fandom: Original
Challenge #: 43 Screen
Pairings: Amber/Bernd, Amber/Greta, Amber/Mishka, James, Maria, Fritz
Warnings: None
Summary: Amber and Co. introduce the kids to Star Wars. 
Notes: Also written for the prompts May the Fourth 2017, Star Wars 40th Anniversary, & RIP Space Mom. This is part of an original series called Blue Tiger and Pink Bunny by myself and kiramaru7. Bernd belongs to Kira, she is just letting me borrow him. The kids belong to both of us.

Bernd knew his wife was something else. The way Amber was able to pull something together out of nothing with no notice always amazed him. Tonight's last minute celebration was no exception. He walked towards the barn as instructed via the text she'd sent him that afternoon. There was a sheet tacked to one wall for a makeshift projector screen. In front, there were carefully arranged blankets and pillows on the ground, fenced in by a semi-circle of lawn chairs. Bernd was probably most surprised by the fact that his home laptop and new projector were already set up on a table and ready to go. Technology tended to malfunction when Amber touched it on principle, so she must have wrangled someone else into setting it up for her. He couldn't find anyone else around though. For a moment, Bernd thought he was early for once, but then he heard his daughter Maria giggling on the other side of the barn.

His family was around the corner on the small hill beside the barn. Amber, her girlfriend Greta, and her new friend Mishka were looking at the stars while Maria giggled, chasing one of the barn cats, weaving around the women on her little toddler legs. Their son Fritz was play light-saber fighting with his uncle James. It took Bernd a minute to realize that everyone had homemade light-sabers in green or blue and was sort of in costume. James had an old toy bandolier worn over his Star Wars t-shirt, paired with brown corduroy pants. Fritz was wearing the same clothes he had gone to school in that morning, but his mother had clearly made him a brown Han Solo jacket. Amber had made Maria a tiny white Princess Leia costume and pulled her blonde hair into little buns on the sides of her head. Mishka was the most dressed up, surprising Bernd by apparently having a complete Hans Solo costume. Amber's thick blue hair had been pulled up in buns on the side of her head, no small feat considering the sheer weight of it along with the hair wraps and braided-in trinkets. Greta had done the same thing, but hadn't otherwise dressed up. She had most likely also just come from work and Amber would have been too busy making costumes for the kids to whip something up for Greta. Amber had clearly been busy.

Bernd tried to sneak up behind Amber, but she happened to turn right when he was in range to wrap himself around her. She smirked at him, clearly knowing what he had been up to.

“I feel a little under dressed,” Bernd patted down his body for emphasis.

“We can fix that,” Greta assured him, holding up a head band with two buns of fake pink hair the same shade of his own, she been holding out of sight.

Amber pulled a pink light-saber from her belt and handed it to him. Bernd saw that she had made them out of flashlights with colored plastic tubing duct taped to the end.

“Alright! We're all here now, everybody line up!” Amber called out to everyone while trying to wrangle Maria.

Bernd put on his headband and fell in line with everyone else.

“Light-sabers on!”

Bernd was the only one left to turn his on.

“Someone should say something,” Greta suggested while everyone raised their light-sabers towards the sky.

James let out a couple loud cries of his best Wookiee impression.

“Perfect,” Amber commented, shockingly, without sarcasm.

As they all quietly waved their light-sabers at the sky, Bernd noticed a tear rolling down Amber's cheek. He apparently wasn't the only one. He heard Fritz very quietly ask his uncle James, “Why is Mutti so sad today?”

“Well,” James struggled to explain the concept of being upset by a celebrity death to an eight year old, “there was a princess, that while your mutti never met her, she was still very special to her.”

“Why was she special?”

“Because a big monster made her wear a metal bikini and she strangled him for it.”

Fritz looked very thoughtful for a moment. “So wearing a metal bikini is wrong?”

Amber, Greta, and Mishka all turned to look at James, clearing waiting to hear what he had to say. Bernd was fairly certain poor James was toast.

James cleared his throat. “Uh, technically, no. Wearing a metal bikini is not wrong, if you want to wear a metal bikini. Making someone wear a metal bikini or making them feel like they have to when they don't want to is wrong.”

Fritz' face crinkled in concentration, processing this information, “But Mutti makes me eat my vegetables when I don't want to.”

“That's different.”

“And she makes me wear shoes.”

“That's a safety issue.”

“But what about...”

“Hey, isn't it time to start the movie?”

“I think Uncle James is right,” Bernd helped save his friend while Amber and the girls tried not to laugh.

“Yep, especially if you want popcorn,” Amber added as she picked up Maria.

As a family, they made their way over to the little makeshift outside movie theater to introduce the kids into a galaxy far, far away and to say goodbye to their beloved princess.

author: kattrip033, original works

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