#623; Laser - Original

Aug 23, 2015 13:52

Title: Boring Obligations
Fandom: Original Work
Challenge #: 623
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 (for language).

“Will you stop?”

He sounded annoyed, but she didn’t care. She was so bored that she couldn’t stand herself right now and this little keychain toy was the best entertainment she had found yet. Watching him try and ignore her, and continue working, as she made the little red dot dance around on his paperwork…it made the smirk on her face grow to that of a Cheshire cat or the badly painted on red lips of Bozo the Clown.

Sold for just one dollar in the pet section at the local retail store, it was the best investment she had made in the last few days. Especially now that she was perched on the couch, rotting like a potato, with nothing to do but feel the baby in her belly kick and surf through the channels of his big screen TV.

Work-a-holics sucked.

“No,” she said, matter-of-factly. This was hardly the arrangement that either of them desired, but given that she was stuck here…he might as well be the bearer of some sort of entertainment. Yet, he was over there. He was over there perched at his desk, bent over to read and sign a seemingly endless stack of stark, white documents that were probably as useless as the stripes on her bed sheets.

“I’m bored…and you are over there giving yourself carpal tunnel. And, you know, the longer I sit here, twirling this little laser around and distracting you….the better. It both entertains me and keeps you from having to have corrective surgery for a little while longer.”

There was silence when he looked up at her, his neck snapping upward quickly. He stared at her, but she knew that she had accomplished her impossible mission when he dropped his pen on top of the papers and sat back in the wooden chair, slumping down a bit. He crossed his hands over his abdomen and let his head fall to his right.

“You think you are so cute. And clever.” He smirked subtly. She could have almost missed it herself, but seeing that smirk was a new experience and so she caught it immediately. “But you aren’t.”

“Bull.” Pressing down on the button of the laser, she rested her arm on the back of the couch and let the red light creep slowly from the desktop, up his chest, and along his face until it stopped dead center in the middle of his forehead. “Anyway, I’m pregnant with your child. If I want to be seen as cute and clever, it is your obligation to be my biggest fan.”

That gave him pause, but he soon lifted his head enough to give her a bit of a nod. Words spilling out of his mouth as he pushed himself suddenly out of the chair. “Alright, true,” he said as he crossed the room, bending over her to grabbed the laser toy from her hand before flopping down a foot or two away. “But this? This is still annoying.” He held the laser up, tossing the silver chained item onto the coffee table.

“But with it, I accomplished my mission, Sir Scrooge…so it was well worth the one dollar I spent on it.”

“Ha. Ha. Ha, Princess.” His blue eyes rolled to the back of his head and her lips pursed heavily to hide the smirk that wanted to creep out. But like she knew him, he also knew her head to foot. He did not have to think about what he was witnessing. “Alright, you got me. I’m here. What do you want to do?”

That…was the can of worms that she had been looking to open and with it, she let her smirk shine through. “Nothing, Daddy. Just to annoy you.”

He surely wanted to kill her now.

author: bellaanarchy, original works

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