#621; Notebook - Original

Aug 01, 2015 18:45

Title: Notebook
Fandom: Original Work
Challenge #: 621
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 (for language).

The page was so white...I felt it was burning my eyes out.

Writer's block is the most disgusting issue to have ever been created and sitting in this apartment, staring at this page is doing me no good...but this stupid paper is due tomorrow.


I picked up the notebook and flung it behind me, the pages blowing violently in the wind as it flew through the air. With my face pressed into the smooth, wooden top of the desk, I did not even notice the sound of my bedroom door opening until it was already too late.


My head spun around at the speed of light, landing on the deeply blue eyes of my blonde haired boyfriend, just as the notebook hit the ground. He was holding his eye and I was mortified.

"Oh god, Barrett!" I jumped from my seat, nearly tripping over my own feet as I raced towards him, hands out and ready to comfort any injuries he might have had. "I'm sorry! I didn't know you were coming through the door."

As I reached him, my hands rested immediately on both sides of his neck while his dropped away. "It's okay, I'm fine." His eye was watering, but as I examined him, I found no traces of blood or harsh paper cuts...and I was relieved.

“I know that writer’s block can be harsh, Pris, but I don’t really think it’s worth stressing yourself out over. Or smacking me upside the head with a notebook either, purposely or otherwise.”

He was laughing at me. I wanted to smack him because he was laughing at me - in his own little way. After five years together, I could read him like a book and he was definitely holding back a smile. The pretentious, egotistical prick. I really did want to smack him upside the head with a notebook then.

“Says you, Mr. 4.0 GPA, gonna be a doctor, can bullshit his way through anything.” I rolled my eyes, turning away from him to grab my notebook from the floor. Shit! Where the hell did it go?

It was nowhere in sight. It must have slide underneath the bed.

With a heafty sigh, I moved to my hands and knees and peered into the darkness underneath the bed. Nothing. I couldn’t see a thing. I stuck my hand under the bed and began feeling around blindly, all the while the need was vast to rant and rave to my particular kind of genius - and particular kind of smoking hot - boyfriend about the stupid, ridiculous, absolutely unnecessary paper that was due the following afternoon.

“Just because you can get A’s with your eyes closed and partying every weekend doesn’t mean that the rest of us have the luxury. I have been slaving away for a week and you know where I have gotten?” There was nothing under that bed. Certainly not a notebook anyway. Damn it.

“Nowhere,” I said to him. “A notebook lost somewhere in the land of missing socks.”

Another sigh escaped my throat as I positioned my hands and began to push myself up.

I was unaware of how ridiculous I looked with my butt up in the air like that, but Barrett certainly appreciated it. I felt his crotch push against my behind and if not for an arm wrapping around my waist, I certainly would have fallen on my face. I didn’t even have the time to protest before my back was to his chest.

With the other hand, he held out the notebook out for me to see.

I turned my head, peaking back at him with a rather unamused expression on my face. All the while, his smirk was from here to Texas and I wanted to smack him again.

I was forced to roll my eyes at him for a second time. I couldn’t help myself.

“Thank you,” I said, taking the notebook and breaking away from his grasp to move back to my desk. With a heaviness, I sat back in my seat and pulled the chair close to the edge once again. As I started to pick up my pencil, I looked up again.

“Did you want something, by the way?”

“Nope,” he said, the smile growing bigger, even as he turned to walk out of the room. “I didn’t want a thing.”

author: bellaanarchy, original works

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