#89 : take a risk - "Worth it?" - Skyfall - James/Q

May 24, 2015 22:43

Title: "Worth it?"
Author: pony_express
Fandom: James Bond: Skyfall era
Pairing/Character: James Bond/Q
Rating: PG-13 (mentions of voilence)
Prompt: #89 "take a risk"
Word Count: 519 words
Summary: Office romances are always a risk. But are they worth it?
Disclaimer: Characters borrowed without consent for personal, non-profit use. No copyright infringement intended!

Office romances are risky, and James is new at this. He asks himself all sorts of questions about it being worth the risk, about why it’s happening, and how to cope with it all. Even Googled it. Hell, he’s never felt like this before, he needs all the help and advice he can get, and he hasn’t got anyone to turn to for advice and support, not really. The internet is his only option.

He thinks it started with gent flirting, as most office romances. Their witty banner at hand-outs and over the intercom gradually became more and more flirtatious, and sexual. James started to fall for the young quartermaster soon after.

The psychology behind it was tried and tested, the more you saw someone the more you started to like them. Something about love by proximity. James had read too deeply into it, but he needed reasons. He needed to understand why he was having these feelings after all this time. Why Q in particular had sparked a love interest which was more than just for the job.

James had an idea that Q fancied him back, just as much, if not more. But something in him also told him that he was probably reading too deeply into their interactions and Q’s behaviour. The internet also told him. The fact that Q addressed him first could mean that Q couldn’t wait to speak to him, but it could also mean that Q wanted him out the way first.

He had no idea what to do. He wanted to venture; needed to. It was in his nature after all. He was normally confident at this sort of thing. But Q was different, and not just because it would be a work’s relationship. He wanted to make it work and he had. . . feelings. He wanted to protect Q and his feeling too, and that was definitely something new.

What if he did and Q rejected him? There would be days upon days of embarrassment afterwards. James could hide it, publicly of course, but privately it would crush him. But the questions of what if turned into what if Q said yes, and James’ mind would swirl with pleasurable ideas, not all of them of domestic bliss.

Questions swirled about how they’d make it work. How it would then effective their work. . . Effective everyone they worked with. Would they know? Would they need to know? But then James would start to imagine the conversations they’d have while Q tracked him away from the minions in Q-Branch.

It was worth the risk, he decided at least. After months of toying with the idea, hiding his feelings, Googling studies and researching work relationships and it’s risk, he finally decided just to ask Q. He would never know until he’d ask. What’s the point of worrying about things that haven’t happened yet. He was almost ashamed that it took him this long to come to this decision. . . And that he had to Google some of things he Google’d.

But he was more than 100% sure, if that’s possible, that it was all worth it.

author: pony_express, fandom: james bond

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